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34 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.ferred from the Yunkwei viceroyalty to take that atMukden. Later in the year L,i Teh-hsun, the unscrupulous Director of the northern section of the Tientsiu-Pukow Railway, had to be removed, and as an indirectresult the perfectly honourable Lu Hai-huan was removed from the office of Director- General. With thedismissal of Tuan Fang from the Chihli viceroyalty inNovember, Chen Kwei-lung was called to the north, andhis place at Wuchang was taken by Jui Cheng. TuanFang had earlier in the year been succeeded at Nankingby Chang Jen-chen, who had handed over the Governorship of Shantung to Sun Pao-chi, thitherto for sometime Minister to Germany.It is thus seen that more than half the nearestadvisers of the Throne were removed during 1909 bydeath or dismissal, and half the heads of provinces werealso removed or transferred. It might therefore beexpected that the work of government would be interrupted. It is quite certain that little real progress wasmade, though there were abundant Decrees. Apartfrom the Decree dismissing Yuan Shih-k ai the firstimportant one of the year was under date of i8thJanuary, ordering the Board of Civil Administration,together with the provincial authorities, to see to theselection of competent gentry for the local Governmentof walled cities, market towns, and villages. A monthlater, i6th February, the provincial authorities wereinstructed to proceed to the election of the provincialassemblies, and these bodies came into operation on theI4th October in ever} 7 province, the session lasting untilthe 23rd November, The Government has had not amoment s peace since, for the assemblies have headeda movement in favour of hastening the date for theopening of parliament, and have in other ways shownvigour, determination and enthusiasm. The determination of Peking to help forward the principles of representative government was indicated in an Imperial decreesanctioning the retirement of the Shenkau Viceroy on

"IMPORTANT EDICTS AND GOVERNMENT CHANGES. 35the ground that with regard to representative government he wants to show his prejudiced obstinacy," andtowards the end of November two strongly-wordedDecrees were issued encouragingall officials to hastenforward the work of reform. Undoubtedly these two-Decrees were intended to assure the Empire of theSovereign s good will in the matter of reform and toprevent any further agitation for the opening of parliament at an earlier date than was laid down in the programme but;the agitation proceeded as briskly as ever,and it became necessary to issue on the 3oth January ofthis year, just before China New Year, a Decree recapitulating what had been already done, what had beenthe wishes of Their late Majesties, and again insistingon the good faith of the Sovereign:"We herebyannounce in respect to representative government thatwhen the nine years preparation are completed and allthe people properly educated we will absolutely issue aDecree to fix a time for Parliament to be summoned."This did not prove sufficient, and on the 3rd February afurther Decree to the same effect was promulgated.The matter of representative government may here bebrought to date by noting that on the 9th May ofthis year was issued a Decree convening the Legislative Council for the first day of the ninth moon (3rdNovember) and giving a long list of selections to theCouncil.During the month of March Decrees were issueddefining the functions of censors and commanding allofficers, whether civil or military, Manchu or Chinese,to use the character g"chen" in memorializing theThrone in order to secure equality and the abolition ofantiquated distinctions.Of official changes during the present year perhapsthe most important has been the retirement of Tiehlyiang from the Presidency of the Board of War andthe appointment of General Yin Chang, lately Ministerto Germany, to the vacancy and the abolition of the;

34 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.ferred from the Yunkwei viceroyalty to take that atMukden. Later in the year L,i Teh-hsun, the unscrupulous Director of the northern section of the Tientsiu-Pukow Railway, had to be removed, and as an indirectresult the perfectly honourable Lu Hai-huan was removed from the office of Director- General. With thedismissal of Tuan Fang from the Chihli viceroyalty inNovember, Chen Kwei-lung was called to the north, andhis place at Wuchang was taken by Jui Cheng. TuanFang had earlier in the year been succeeded at Nankingby Chang Jen-chen, who had handed over the Governorship of Shantung to Sun Pao-chi, thitherto for sometime Minister to Germany.It is thus seen that more than half the nearestadvisers of the Throne were removed during 1909 bydeath or dismissal, and half the heads of provinces werealso removed or transferred. It might therefore beexpected that the work of government would be interrupted. It is quite certain that little real progress wasmade, though there were abundant Decrees. Apartfrom the Decree dismissing Yuan Shih-k ai the firstimportant one of the year was under date of i8thJanuary, ordering the Board of Civil Administration,together with the provincial authorities, to see to theselection of competent gentry for the local Governmentof walled cities, market towns, and villages. A monthlater, i6th February, the provincial authorities wereinstructed to proceed to the election of the provincialassemblies, and these bodies came into operation on theI4th October in ever} 7 province, the session lasting untilthe 23rd November, The Government has had not amoment s peace since, for the assemblies have headeda movement in favour of hastening the date for theopening of parliament, and have in other ways shownvigour, determination and enthusiasm. The determination of Peking to help forward the principles of representative government was indicated in an Imperial decreesanctioning the retirement of the Shenkau Viceroy on

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