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4>XXX11 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Bishops of the Anglican Communion in China and Hongkong.Chekiang (with jurisdiction over English congregations in MidChina): The Right Rev. H. J. Molony, D.D., Ningpo.Fukien : The Right Rev. H. McC. E. Price, M.A., Foochow.*Hankow: The Right Rev. L. H. Roots, D.D., Hankow.:tHonan The Right Rev. W. C. White, D.D., Kaifengfu.Hunan and Kwangsi The Right Rev. William :Banister, D.D.North China : The Right Rev. C. P. Scott, D.D., Peking."ShanghaiThe Right Rev. F. R. Graves, D.D., Shanghai.::Shantung The Right Rev. G. D. Iliff, D.D., Taianfu.Victoria (with jurisdiction in Kwangtung): The Right Rev. G.H. Lander. D.D., Hongkong.West China: The Right Rev. W. W. Cassels, B.A., Paoningfu,Szechuen.The Missions of the English, American and CanadianChurches are united in the Conference of the AnglicanCommunion." This conference will meet in April, 1912,at Shanghai. There is a Standing Committee of theconference, of which Bishop Scott is convener.* American.f Canadian.College Presidents.Anglo-Chinese College, Anioy, H. F. Rankin, F.E.I.S.Anglo-Chinese College, Foochow, J. Gowdy, B.A., B.D.Anglo-Chinese College. Shanghai. J. W. Cline. D.D.Boone University, Wuchang, Jas. Jackson, D.D.Canton Christian College, C. K. Edmunds, Ph.D.English Methodist College, Ningpo, H. S. Redfern, M.A.Foochow College, L. B. Peet, M.A.Griffith John College, Hankow, A. J. McFarlane, B.A.Hangchow College, J. H. Judson, B.A.Manchuria Mission College, D. F. Robertson, M.D.Medhurst College, Shanghai, H. LI. W. Bevan, M.A.Nanking Union University, A. J. Bowen, B.A.North China Union College, D. Z. Sheffield, D.D.North China Union College of Theology. C. H. Fenn, D.D.North China Union Woman s College, Miss L,. Miner, M.A.Peking University, H. H. Lowry, D.D.Shanghai Baptist College, J. T. Proctor, B.D.Shantung Christian University, P- D- Bergen, D.D.Soochow University, D. L, Anderson, D.D.

CHURCH OFFICIALS.XXX111St. John s University, Shanghai, F. L. Hawks Pott, D.D.Tientsin Anglo-Chinese College, S. LavingtonHart, M.A.,D.Sc.Trinity College, Ningpo, W. S. Moule, M.A.Union Medical College, Hankow, R. T. Booth, M.D.West China Union University. Chentn.William Nast College, Kiukiang, C. F. Kupfer, Ch.D.Woman s College of South China, Foochow, Miss Trimble.Yale College, Changsha, Hunan, B. Gage, Dean.General.Archibald, J., Hankow, National Bible Society.Bondfield, G. H., Shanghai, agent B. and F. Bible Society.Brockman, F. S., Shanghai, Gen. Sec. Y. M. C. A. in China.Cousland, P. B., President Medical Assoc. of China.Darroch, J., Shanghai, Agent R. T. S., London.Fitch, Geo. F., Editor Chinese Recorder.Hoste, D. H., Shanghai, Director C. I. M.Hykes, J. R., Shanghai, Agent American Bible Society.Reid, Gilbert, Shanghai, Director International Institute.Richard, T., Shanghai, Secretary C. L. S.Silsby, J. A., Shanghai, Sec y Educational Assoc. of China.Stuart, Geo. A., Shanghai, Editor Methodist Publications.

4>XXX11 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Bishops of the Anglican Communion in China and Hongkong.Chekiang (with jurisdiction over English congregations in MidChina): The Right Rev. H. J. Molony, D.D., Ningpo.Fukien : The Right Rev. H. McC. E. Price, M.A., Foochow.*Hankow: The Right Rev. L. H. Roots, D.D., Hankow.:tHonan The Right Rev. W. C. White, D.D., Kaifengfu.Hunan and Kwangsi The Right Rev. William :Banister, D.D.North China : The Right Rev. C. P. Scott, D.D., Peking."ShanghaiThe Right Rev. F. R. Graves, D.D., Shanghai.::Shantung The Right Rev. G. D. Iliff, D.D., Taianfu.Victoria (with jurisdiction in Kwangtung): The Right Rev. G.H. Lander. D.D., Hongkong.West China: The Right Rev. W. W. Cassels, B.A., Paoningfu,Szechuen.The Missions of the English, American and CanadianChurches are united in the Conference of the AnglicanCommunion." This conference will meet in April, 1912,at Shanghai. There is a Standing Committee of theconference, of which Bishop Scott is convener.* American.f Canadian.College Presidents.Anglo-Chinese College, Anioy, H. F. Rankin, F.E.I.S.Anglo-Chinese College, Foochow, J. Gowdy, B.A., B.D.Anglo-Chinese College. Shanghai. J. W. Cline. D.D.Boone University, Wuchang, Jas. Jackson, D.D.Canton Christian College, C. K. Edmunds, Ph.D.English Methodist College, Ningpo, H. S. Redfern, M.A.Foochow College, L. B. Peet, M.A.Griffith John College, Hankow, A. J. McFarlane, B.A.Hangchow College, J. H. Judson, B.A.Manchuria Mission College, D. F. Robertson, M.D.Medhurst College, Shanghai, H. LI. W. Bevan, M.A.Nanking Union University, A. J. Bowen, B.A.North China Union College, D. Z. Sheffield, D.D.North China Union College of Theology. C. H. Fenn, D.D.North China Union Woman s College, Miss L,. Miner, M.A.Peking University, H. H. Lowry, D.D.Shanghai Baptist College, J. T. Proctor, B.D.Shantung Christian University, P- D- Bergen, D.D.Soochow University, D. L, Anderson, D.D.

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