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""""""""""""""TheThe""""""""XXV111 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.tration of the work throughout the field were instituted ;a ChinaCouncil being formed, composed of superintendents and a fewother senior workers, who meet in Shanghai once a quarter. Thework throughout the country is divided into districts, each ofwhich is under the care of a superintendent."Page 144. 2oth line from bottom. Instead of "were subsequently relinquishedputthe former place was subsequentlyrelinquished."Page 146. Footnote. For "See Life, by his widow" put"SeeTwenty-six Years of Missionary Work in China" by hiswidow." "Page 149. i6th line from bottom life of her husbandby Mrs. Stott, should be "Twenty-six Years of Missionary Workin China."I4th line from top. "Days of Blessing in Inland China" isby Montagu Beauchamp," not "Stanley Smith."29th line from top."The Culture and Conversion of a Confucianistshould be One of China s Scholars."I4th line from bottom. Insert "A. GRAINGERDictionary of Western Mandarin."Page 196. 22nd line from top. Insert asterisk after Cook, torefer to footnote, "Sunny Singapore, by Rev. J. A. B. Cook."Page 259. 2yth line from top. Instead of "seventy" put"eighty."Page 280. loth line from top. 1886"should be1865."Page 379. 4th line from top. After Central China insertHunan."Page 384. 22nd line from bottom. Instead of 1873-1879"put 1875-1899."Page 387. 23rd line from bottom. 1905 should be1907."23rd line from bottom. 17 should be23."1 6th line from bottom. Fifty should bethirty.""Page 400. 4th line from top. Husbands should be "husband."Page 430. 3rd line from top. Insert asterisk after Hu Bomis,"then add footnote with asterisk :." The Way of FaithIllustrated, Autobiography of Hu Yong-mi, brother of Bo-mi.Eaton and Mains, 1896, pp. 259."Page 457. gth line from top. Instead of sentence "MissLydia Fay China," insertfirst American singleladies to come to China were Miss Eliza J. Gillett, Miss Emma G.Jones, and Miss Mary J. Morse, who all came out in April, 1845,under the Protestant Episcopal Mission. Miss Gillett married Dr.E. C. Bridgman on the 28th June of the same year. See Index,Mrs. Bridgman. also Wylie, p. 72. She died in 1868."i8th line from bottom. Instead of "whom is not known,"put "the L. M. S."

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