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"XIVCHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Dr. Y. S. Li, the son of a well-beloved pastor inthe American M. E- Church, was born in Soochow, Onhis graduation from St. John s University, Shanghai, hewent to the Imperial Medical College, Tientsin. Therehe became a foremost Christian worker, zealous for theconversion of his fellow-students, and with them built achapel, at the same time distributing Gospels andpreaching the Word everywhere. After graduation, Dr.l,i, abandoning his profession, became a noted evangelist. In Shanghai he presided over a branch chapel, butsoon resigned to become teacher in the Anglo-ChineseCollege and later in Soochow University. Dissatisfied,however, he went back to his previous career as evangelistic preacher, and as such laboured with remarkablefaith and zeal until his death at Mokansau on August16, 1908.Rev. CALVIN W. MATEER, D.D., IvL.D. ,was bornJanuary 9th, 1836, in Mechanicsburg, Penu. Graduatingas teacher in 1857, and as minister in 1861, he becamepastor in Delaware until 1863, when he sailed for China.Of his life and work especially in Chefoo, Rev. W. P.Chalfant gives a very good summary in these words :Dr. Mateer was a man of unusual versatility. He wasversed in applied mathematics and mechanics, and wasa practical electrician. He was one of the best speakersof the Mandarin dialect in North China, was a powerful preacher, especially in Chinese, and the chairmanand organizer of the Mandarin Committee of the NewTestament revision. He rightly regarded his work onBible translation as the crowning work of his life . . .has been an inspiration to those who have comeHis lifeinto contact with him, and his death (September 28th,1908) means unspeakable loss to the cause of Christ inChina. In his unsparing devotion to that cause, Dr.Mateer illustrated the pregnant words from which heused to preach in Chinese one of his most impressivesermons, He 4saved others, Himself He could not save.

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