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XllCHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.the officials and gentry and many shopkeepers of thecity and district. The mission grew, and five or sixout-stations were formed. Later a boys day school anda girls day school were opened. In the spring of 1906Miss Gibson left for her second furlough, but deathprevented her ever returning to China.After spending almost fifty years of service inChina, Mrs. C. HARTWELL passed away on the yth ofDecember, 1908. Mrs. Hartwell was born in Sturbriclge,Mass., U. S. A., in 1823. After graduation fromMount Holyoke in 1848 she was a teacher for ten yearswhen she married Rev. Lyman B. Peet, a missionary atFoochow, and came out to China. In 1871 she wentback to America to spend thirteen years there, duringwhich time her husband died. Returning to China shemarried Rev. C. Hartwell. With the exception of onebrief furlough, she spent the rest of her life in theinterests of the Chinese women, and was also engagedas teacher in Foochow College.After thirty-seven years ofservice, Dr. LUCY HOAGpassed away in September of 1909. During these }~earsshe had laid strong foundations for work in Kiukiang,Chinkiang and Nanking, where she worked unceasingly for the kingdom of God among the Chinese,especially the Chinese girls that they might be freedfrom bound feet, infant betrothal and kindred evils.Her character has been summed up by one of her fellowworkersas consisting of crystalline truthfulness, aspartan simplicity, faithfulness, selflessness, utter fearlessness, loving sympathy and an entire consecrationto God s service for the Chinese.On the 2ist of July, 1907 passed away one of theleaders of the medical profession in China, the Rev.SYDNEY R. HODGE, of the Wesleyan Mission, Hankow.Dr. Hodge was born in 1859 and educated in Cambridge

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