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OBITUARIES.ixA native of Glasgow, JOHN SHAW BURDON came outto Shanghai, China, as an ordained missionary in 1853.TheT ai-p ing Rebellion being then at its height, stationwork was therefore almost impossible, and Mr. Burdoncommenced itinerating. Amidst many difficulties he continnedevangelistic work for the first eleven years of hislife and made many unsuccessful attempts to open up newstations. Returning from furlough in 1864 he labouredin Peking for eight years. In 1873 he was consecratedBishop of Victoria, Hongkong. His episcopate of twentyfouryears was one of ceaseless activity, including translationaland evangelistic work. After a brief sojournin England he returned to continue translation work,but was finally forced to leave China in 1900, andlived in retirement at Royston until his death, the 5th ofJanuary, 1907.In 1874 Rev. D. W. CHANDLER came to China toconnect himself with the Foochow M. E. Mission. Inthe question of self-support in the Chinese church herendered valuable service, especially by his enthusiasmand fidelity. In 1880 he was elected president of theConference. Shortly after he had to return home toAnn Arbor, Michigan, where after a lingering illness ofseventeen years, he died on the 2ist of December, 1909.On the 6th of May, 1909, was called home one ofChina s beloved missionaries in the person of Miss MAYCHAPIN. Miss Chapin was the daughter of Rev. andMrs Dwight L. Chapin, the pioneer missionaries ofNorth Tuugchow. After twenty years, service the familyhad to leave China on account of the father s illhealth.It was not until 1905 that Miss Chapin receivedher lono-ed-for wish and came back to China, settlingat Kalgan. Here she gave herself \ip to a ministryof prayer and quiet personal work until her death,and won the admiration and love of all those whoknew her.

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