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VICHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.1910.Apr. 15. Mr. F. A. A glen becomes Acting Inspector-General ofthe Imperial Maritime Customs.Apr. 19. Annual meeting of the China Association.Apr. 26. Disorder in Chekiang.May 2. Grain riots in Suchien, Kiangsu.May 4. Negotiations for railway between Tsingtao and Ichoufu.May 7. Death of King Edward VII.May 7. Meeting of the Yale Association of China.May 14. Opening of the Anglo-Japanese Exhibition in 1/ondon,England.May 18. Pass through the tail of Halley s Comet.May 22. Sunday School Day observed throughout the world.May 20. Meeting of Anti-opium League of China.May 24. The dollar standard fixed for currency in China.May 25. Continued requests for a speedy openingin China.of ParliamentJune i. The 27th Annual Conference of the International Missionary Union at Clifton Springs, N. Y.June 5. Opening of the first Chinese National Exposition atNanking.

APPENDIXII.OBITUARIES.On the 30th of May, 1907, passed away one ofChina s most noted veteran missionaries in the personof Rev. YOUNG J. AIJ.EN, D.D., LL-D. Dr. Allen wasborn in Georgia, U. S. A., studied at Emory College, andupon graduation in 1858 offered himself to the MethodistEpiscopal Church, South. He arrived in China in 1860to labour for nearly fifty years as an active, energetic,devoted missionary to the Chinese. "The founder ofa college, and prolific as an author, it is more particularly as a pioneer of Christian journalism that he won distinction. If, not the creator of the modern newspaper inChinese, he made himself the standard-bearer of thegrowing cohort, and for forty years he bore it aloftin the ^interest of Christian civilization. The Anglo-Chinese College remains as his monument," but it wasprobably in the literary line that he was able to exertmost influence.Rev. WM. SCOTT AMENT, D.D., was born in Owosso,Michigan, U. S. A., in 1852. Graduating from Oberlin,he studied theology in the Union Theological Seminary,New York, receiving a degree of B.D. in 1877. Thatyear he came to China. After spending a year at Tientsin, he was stationed at Paotingfu until 1880, whenhe went to Peking. There he laboured for twenty-nineyears, except when home on furlough. Dr. Ament swork was chiefly evangelistic and pastoral.He wasalso a member of the Board of Managers of the PekingMethodist University, and took a large share in thedevelopment of the North China Tract Society,the Boxer troubles many of his people suffered, and 1did what he could to secure reparation.After the

VICHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.1910.Apr. 15. Mr. F. A. A glen becomes Acting Inspector-General ofthe Imperial Maritime Customs.Apr. 19. Annual meeting of the China Association.Apr. 26. Disorder in Chekiang.May 2. Grain riots in Suchien, Kiangsu.May 4. Negotiations for railway between Tsingtao and Ichoufu.May 7. Death of King Edward VII.May 7. Meeting of the Yale Association of China.May 14. Opening of the Anglo-Japanese Exhibition in 1/ondon,England.May 18. Pass through the tail of Halley s Comet.May 22. Sunday School Day observed throughout the world.May 20. Meeting of Anti-opium League of China.May 24. The dollar standard fixed for currency in China.May 25. Continued requests for a speedy openingin China.of ParliamentJune i. The 27th Annual Conference of the International Missionary Union at Clifton Springs, N. Y.June 5. Opening of the first Chinese National Exposition atNanking.

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