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IMPORTANT EVENTS.VI9LO.Feb. ii. Edicts dealing with local government and the reform ofthe judicial system.Mutiny of troops at Canton and Soochovv.Riot at Soochow.Negotiations for Chinchow-Aigun Railway.Feb. 21. Departure of Rev. J. MacGowan from China.Feb. 23-25. Meeting of the Biennial Council of the Chihli Provincial Federation of Protestant Missions in Peking.Feb. 23-March 9. A Bible Institute held at Wuhu.Memorial submitted to the throne re the abolition ofslave traffic.Feb. 24. Chinese army under H. E. Chao Erh-feng push forwardto Tibet to establish Chinese domination there. DalaiLama left for India.Feb. 25. Dalai Lama deposed.Feb. 28. A Delegates conference of the Basel, Berlin, andRhenish Missions held at Tungkun.is the Union of the Missions.Object of ConferenceFeb. 27. Imperial edict abolishing slaver} .Mar. 5.Mar. 7.Meeting at Cambridge to discuss university for China.The Ministry of Posts and Communications has decidedto build a railway from Tainanfu in Shantung to Cheutefuin Chihli.Mar. 12-17. Revival meetings at Mienchuhsien.Mar. 15. The Ministry of Posts and Communications to commencea railway from Kaifengfu, Honan, to Suchoufu, Kiangsu.Mar. 16. Sir Frederick Lugard lays the foundation stone of theHongkong University.Mar. 17-24. Conference of Chinese workers in Kiangfu, Kiangsi.Mar. 20. Day of prayer of all Christians for the million movement in Korea.Revival meetings and evangelistic work carried on byRev. W. R. Hunt at Nantungchow.Mar. 28. Riot at Hangchow.Mar. 29. Christian Endeavour Rally in Foochow to celebrate thetwentieth anniversary of Christian Endeavour in Foochow,Mar. 30. Ten miles of the Canton-Hankow Railway opened.Apr.Apr. 4Plot in Regent s Palace, Peking.Rice riots in Nanking and Nanling.Apr. 8. Semi-annual meeting of the International Institute,Shanghai.Apr. 10. 83rd anniversary of Dr. W. A. P. Martin s birth andhis diamond jubilee in China.Apr. 12. Rebellion in Yunnan.Apr. 13. Riots broke out in Changsha, Hunan.Apr. 13. Concession granted to American and British firms toconstruct the Chiuchow-Aigun Railway.

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