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11 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.1908.Mar. 28. Arrival of the first passenger train at Nanking.Apr. i. Tram cars began to run in Shanghai.Apr. Edict for compulsory education.Apr. 14. Serious disturbance at Soochow.Apr. 17, 18, 19. C. I. M. Church Conference, Hanchang Plain,Shensi.Apr. 25. Foochow Easter Monday Choral Festival.May 6. The American and Japanese Arbitration Treaty signedat Washington.Riot in Hankow caused by a proclamation issued, by theMay 14.Taotai, forbidding hawkers and stalls in the publicstreets.Revival in Manchuria.Annual meeting of South Fukien Presbyteries andSynods.June 7. Sir Walter Hillier appointed by China adviser to theChinese government.June Y. M. C. A. Conference at Tungchow.June 30. Construction work on the German section of theTientsin- Pukou Railway formally inaugurated.July 1-6. Conference of Shantung Church at Chinchowfu.July 11-19. Chinese Y. M. C. A. Conference, Shanghai.July 20-21. Conference on Sunday School work at Kuliang.Aug. 5, 6. Second annual meeting of the Chihli ProvincialCouncil at Peitaiho.Aug. ii. Annual meeting of North China Tract Society at Peitaiho.Aug. 26. The Nanking City Railway opened.Oct. 5. The Japanese government announces the total prohibition of the pari mutuel at all races, including those ofOct. the Nippon Race Club.7. Meeting at Lord Salisbury s house, at which it wasresolved to form an Etonian Association for China tosupport Bishop Cassel s scheme for a students hostelOct.at Chengtu.9. An Arbitration Convention between China and the UnitedStates signed at Washington.Oct. 13. The Chinese Railway Loan of ^5, 000,000 for the redemption of the bonds of the Peking-Hankow Railway issuedin London.Oct. 17. Revival in Shansi.Nov. 10. Trial at Shanghai of H. D. O Sbea, editor of the ChinaGazette, for criminal libel against Judge L. R. Wilfley.Formation of K en Ch in Huei or Society for MutualFellowship.Nov. n. Meetings and revival in Changtefu, Honan.Nov. 14. Death of the Emperor Kuang Hsu at 5 p.m. Pu Yi, theson of Prince Chun, adopted as heir to the Throne.

IMPORTANT EVENTS.Hi1908.Nov. 15. Death of Tz e Hsi, the Empress-Dowager of China, at 2p.m. Valedictory Manifesto of Emperor Kuang Hsuissued as an Imperial decree. Valedictory Manifesto ofthe Em press- Dowager.Nov. 23, 24. Meeting for federation in Taiyuanfu.Dec. 2. Enthronement of Emperor Hsuau T ung.Japanese-American Agreement concluded.Dec. 15, 16. Meeting of Committee on Federation in Soochow.Dec. 26. The line from Chengchow to Hsiaufu (Kaifeng-IIsianfuRailway) opened..1909.Jan. 2. Decree dismissing Yuan Shih-kai, Grand Councillor andPresident of the Waiwupu, from office. The first sod ofthe southern section of the Tieutsin-Pukou Railway cut.Revival in Auking, Anhuei.Jan. 28. Formation of Hupeh Provincial Council of ChristianFederation.Feb. i. The International Opium Commission opened at Shanghai.Rev. William Newell and J. R. Deans visit Shanghai.Evangelistic Services in Nanking. Mr. Goforth.Feb. 4. Scandinavian Missionary Conference in Nauyangfu,Honan.Feb. 27. The International Opium Commission at Shanghaiclosed.Mar. 27, April 6. Conference of the Anglican Communion.Mar. 30. Revival in Weihsien College, Shantung.Apr. Rev. Lord William Cecil visits China regarding thescheme for establishing a university in China (also Professors Burton and Chamberlain).Apr. C. I. M. Mission Conference in Kiangsi.Apr. 13. Formation of Evangelistic Association.Apr. 19. Revival in Hinghwa, Fuhkieu.Apr. 30. Revival in Chekiang.May i. Funeral of Emperor Kwang Hsu (Teh Tsung).May Triennial Meeting of the Educational Association.May Meeting of Presbyterian Federation.May 27, 30. Christian Endeavor National Convention at Nanking.June 14, Aug. 29. Rev. F. B. Meyer in China in the interest ofS. S. work.June 28. H. E. Tuan Fang appointed Viceroy of Chihli.Foochow Easter Monday Choral Festival.Aug. Revival in Tunghiaug. Che.Aug. 23, 24. Conference of Fukien Sunday School Union.Sept. 24. Opening of the Railway from Peking to Kalgan.Oct. 4. Death of Grand Secretary Chang Chih-tung.Oct. Chapman-Alexander Meetings in Shanghai.

11 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.1908.Mar. 28. Arrival of the first passenger train at Nanking.Apr. i. Tram cars began to run in Shanghai.Apr. Edict for compulsory education.Apr. 14. Serious disturbance at Soochow.Apr. 17, 18, 19. C. I. M. Church Conference, Hanchang Plain,Shensi.Apr. 25. Foochow Easter Monday Choral Festival.May 6. The American and Japanese Arbitration Treaty signedat Washington.Riot in Hankow caused by a proclamation issued, by theMay 14.Taotai, forbidding hawkers and stalls in the publicstreets.Revival in Manchuria.Annual meeting of South Fukien Presbyteries andSynods.June 7. Sir Walter Hillier appointed by China adviser to theChinese government.June Y. M. C. A. Conference at Tungchow.June 30. Construction work on the German section of theTientsin- Pukou Railway formally inaugurated.July 1-6. Conference of Shantung Church at Chinchowfu.July 11-19. Chinese Y. M. C. A. Conference, Shanghai.July 20-21. Conference on Sunday School work at Kuliang.Aug. 5, 6. Second annual meeting of the Chihli ProvincialCouncil at Peitaiho.Aug. ii. Annual meeting of North China Tract Society at Peitaiho.Aug. 26. The Nanking City Railway opened.Oct. 5. The Japanese government announces the total prohibition of the pari mutuel at all races, including those ofOct. the Nippon Race Club.7. Meeting at Lord Salisbury s house, at which it wasresolved to form an Etonian Association for China tosupport Bishop Cassel s scheme for a students hostelOct.at Chengtu.9. An Arbitration Convention between China and the UnitedStates signed at Washington.Oct. 13. The Chinese Railway Loan of ^5, 000,000 for the redemption of the bonds of the Peking-Hankow Railway issuedin London.Oct. 17. Revival in Shansi.Nov. 10. Trial at Shanghai of H. D. O Sbea, editor of the ChinaGazette, for criminal libel against Judge L. R. Wilfley.Formation of K en Ch in Huei or Society for MutualFellowship.Nov. n. Meetings and revival in Changtefu, Honan.Nov. 14. Death of the Emperor Kuang Hsu at 5 p.m. Pu Yi, theson of Prince Chun, adopted as heir to the Throne.

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