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APPENDIX L1908.IMPORTANT EVENTS IN 1908-June 5, J9JO.Jan. i.Hsinning Railway, Kuangtung, opened to traffic.Jan. 4-11. Second annual native conference of the China TibetanBorder Mission of the C. and M. A. at Minchow, Kansuh.Jan. 13. The agreement for the Tientsin-Pukou Railway signed.Jan. Arrival of representatives of the Pentecostal church inHongkong.Jan. 2T. Corner stone of Yates Hall Shanghai laid.Jan. 26 to Feb. 2. The West China Conference.Jan. 26. Sir Robert Hart applies for leave of absence to. vifcithome.Feb. 5. Seiz.ure of arms and the s. s. Tatsu Maru by the CantonCustoms.Feb. 12. Wu Sheng synod meeting. (Pres.)Feb. Riots in Northern Chekiang.Feb. 12. Unique Christian gathering at Peking.Feb. Opening of Wvlie Memorial Church, Liao-yang.Fel). 19. Opening of the American Presbyterian hospital atChenchow, Hunan.Mar. 6. The Soo- Hang- Yung Railway agreement signed.The German government grants 50,000 marks for theestablishment of a university for Chinese students inKiaochow.Mar. II. The laws regarding holding meetings and formingsocieties, in thirty-five articles, drawn up by the Officefor the Study Constitutional of" Politics, sanctioned bydecree.Mar. 11-17. ^- I- M- Kiangsi Conference.Mar. 14. Imperial sanction given to the press laws in forty-fivearticles, drawn up by the Office for the Study of Constitutional Politics.Mar. 20. Ratepayers annual meeting; Shanghai decides to cancelone-fourth of the opium den licenses in the Settlement atthe expiration of each half-year, beginning July ist.Mar. 21. German China Alliance Church Conference and Bibleschool, Chekiang.Mar. 22. Decree issued commanding effective measures to reduceopium plantation in view of Great s Britain promise toreduce importation experimentally for three years.Mar. 24. Annual meeting of United Methodist Mission at Tongshati.

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