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424 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.lion, and religious services." Number of baptisms :From 1889 to 1899, 2I ;from 1899 to 1909, 61.*San Francisco: Chinese population in 1906, 7,000Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Young Men s House,Occidental Board of Foreign Missions in the ChineseWomen s House, Baptist Chinese Church and School,Chinese Congregational House, Methodist Church.Women workers, both American and Chinese, visitthe women in their homes regularly. The ChineseWomen s Home does a large work in rescuing unfortunate women.Educational work is carried on in Mission schools,where both boys and girls are given a good education."Taking it all in all the missionary work in theChinese colony in San Francisco has been crowned withgreat success in the past, and prospects are that it willmeet with even greater success in future, "fG. F. MOSHER.* From Report of Mr. Guy Maine, superintendent.t Article by Rev. Ng Poon-chew in Recorder, September, 1909.

CHAPTER XXIX.THE GREEK CHURCH.T the end of the year 1909 were :Bishop Innocent,the chief of the Russian Orthodox Mission, twoArchimandrites, ten priests, three of whom wereChinese, six deacons, two of whom were also Chinese,three psalm-readers, ten monks, and seven nuns.The Mission has several branches one conventof the first class in Peking, three conventual churches,two in Manchuria and one in St. Petersburg, fourteenMission quarters in China, one church of the diplomaticlegation in Peking, three churches in Hankow, Dalny,and Port-Arthur, two chapels and five churchyards indifferent parts of China. There are fifteen schools. Oneof them is an ecclesiastical school for the education ofthe catechizers in Peking, twelve for boys and two forgirls. Three new Mission quarters have just beenopened this year.The translationcommission finished the translationof the Epistles of the Apostles, psalm-books and prayerbookwith interpretations. It printed important selectionsfrom the Pentateuch and the New Complete ChineseRussian Dictionary under the editorship of the chiefof the Russian Orthodox Mission, Bishop Innocent.This dictionary comprises 2,100 pages. It contains16,845 Chinese characters and about 150,000 familiarexpressions from Chinese classics and also a summaryorthodox catechism by Bishop Innocent. The printingoffice continues to edit the journal of Mission, Chinese Good News, and Chinese-Russian-English calendar.About one hundred designs from the Bible, illustrated bythe artist Dore, have been printed, and also some largecoloured pictures concerning important biblical events.The Explanations of the Creed, the second part of

424 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.lion, and religious services." Number of baptisms :From 1889 to 1899, 2I ;from 1899 to 1909, 61.*San Francisco: Chinese population in 1906, 7,000Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Young Men s House,Occidental Board of Foreign Missions in the ChineseWomen s House, Baptist Chinese Church and School,Chinese Congregational House, Methodist Church.Women workers, both American and Chinese, visitthe women in their homes regularly. The ChineseWomen s Home does a large work in rescuing unfortunate women.Educational work is carried on in Mission schools,where both boys and girls are given a good education."Taking it all in all the missionary work in theChinese colony in San Francisco has been crowned withgreat success in the past, and prospects are that it willmeet with even greater success in future, "fG. F. MOSHER.* From Report of Mr. Guy Maine, superintendent.t Article by Rev. Ng Poon-chew in Recorder, September, 1909.

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