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422 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.by the self-supporting Chinese church of the LondonMissionary Society in Hongkong. The latter grants$250.00 annually, and there is about an equal amountraised locally. The latter congregation have a buildingthat cost $2,5000.00, in which the Sunday congregationmeets from 80 to 100 persons.Evangelistic effort is carried on in preaching-hallsbv the Bible Mission Society, of which Mrs. S. C. Toddis the head.ii. New Zealand :(a) Presbyterian Church of N. Z. (Work amongChinese):SI off and location: Rev. Alex. Don, Dunedin. Regular work.(Chinese) Mr. F. L. Law, Dunedin. Regular work.(Chinese) Mr. T. F. Loie, Auckland. Regular work..Greymouth. Visited regularly.Membership of Dunedin church, 12 ;adherents 150-200.Greymouth station, 4 ; ,, 50- 60.,,Auckland ,, (just opened).Mission Classes at Oamaru, Timaru, Nelson for some years.(b) AnglicanChurch in N. Z. :Catechist, Mr. Daniel Wong, stationed at Greymouth in 1901 ;transferred to Wellington in 1902. Fine little church built (costwith site ^1,085) in 1905. Mr. D. Wong died March, 1908. Another catechist stationed 1909, but said to have resigned recently.Classes at Napier and Blenheim.(c). Interdenominational Classes carried on at Auckland for some 6 or 8 years past, at Paltnerston North,Masterton, Wellington.(d). Baptist Classes at Dunedin, Invercargill, Wellington, Christchurch. At Christchurch a little missionhall built for the class. In Dunedin the class is a partof the ordinary Sunday School. Numbers in 1909: 24scholars, 22 teachers on roll; average attendance 18scholars,16 teachers.(e). WesleyanWellington.Methodist Classes at Dnnedin and(/).Church of Christ Class at Wanganui.

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