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41 8 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Statistics of Chinese Students, January, 1910.Name of School. Gov l or No. En-Private, rolled.Keigakudo Private 130Iwakura Tetsudo Gakko ... no,,Toa Tetsudo Gakko ,,80Toyo Daigaku ,, 3Waseda University ,, 5 1 *Shinbu Gakko 160Serjo Middle School 221,,Keio Gijuku... ... ... ... ... ,, 19Hosei Daigaku... ... ... ... ,, 560Tokyo Higher Technical School Government 158Imperial University ... ... ... ... ,, 5Higher Normal School ... ,, 85First High School ,, 7Tokyo Higher Commercial School ... ,, 50Chuo Daigaku Private 153Dobun Shorn ,, 7Nihon Daigaku ,,10Meiji Daigaku ,, 75Koto Shihan Fusoku ... ... IChugaku ,,Tokyo Foreign Language School... ... Government 2Seisbku English School Private 300Shisei Gakko ,, 44Seisoku Yobiko ... ... ... ... 200,,Total, 3,737Students studying in military schools and in otherschools and with private teachers (estimated) 5Grand Total, 4,237J. M. CLINTON.

CHAPTER XXVIILWORK FOR CHINESE ABROAD.HINESE are found in nearly all of the importanttrading centres in the world, and it is gratifying tofind, upon investigation, how much missionarywork is being done for them and also how marked havebeen the results. In this chapter of the Year Book willbe found a list, not of all the places where Chinese areresident abroad, but of places where it is known thatthere are missions to the Chinese, and a brief accountof the work of these missions in so far as reports havebeen obtainable That the list is very incomplete is dueto the casual manner which has been the only one inwhich information could be gained and to the impossibility of getting in touch with all parts of the worldwithin the five months at our disposal. In future numbers of the Year Book it is hoped that this chapter mayshow a much more complete record, and to this end itisrequested that any who know of the existence of workfor the Chinese abroad that is inadequately reported herewill send information of such to Dr. MacGillivray, withthe name of at least one person in the mission to whomrequests for full information may be addressed. We arenot aware that the facts of such work have ever beengathered, and except in a few cases it has been only byhearing of one here and one there that the present compilation has been effected.1. Australia :Apart from the fact that the C. M. S.has work in Melbourne no information has been obtained.2. British North Borneo : Chinese population about25,000. The Basel Mission opened work in 1906, and reports 800 Christians in 6 congregations at Kudat, HappyValley, Sandakan, Jesselton, Papar, and Beaufort. Themission station is at Happy Valley. Four chapels have

CHAPTER XXVIILWORK FOR CHINESE ABROAD.HINESE are found in nearly all of the importanttrading centres in the world, and it is gratifying tofind, upon investigation, how much missionarywork is being done for them and also how marked havebeen the results. In this chapter of the Year Book willbe found a list, not of all the places where Chinese areresident abroad, but of places where it is known thatthere are missions to the Chinese, and a brief accountof the work of these missions in so far as reports havebeen obtainable That the list is very incomplete is dueto the casual manner which has been the only one inwhich information could be gained and to the impossibility of getting in touch with all parts of the worldwithin the five months at our disposal. In future numbers of the Year Book it is hoped that this chapter mayshow a much more complete record, and to this end itisrequested that any who know of the existence of workfor the Chinese abroad that is inadequately reported herewill send information of such to Dr. MacGillivray, withthe name of at least one person in the mission to whomrequests for full information may be addressed. We arenot aware that the facts of such work have ever beengathered, and except in a few cases it has been only byhearing of one here and one there that the present compilation has been effected.1. Australia :Apart from the fact that the C. M. S.has work in Melbourne no information has been obtained.2. British North Borneo : Chinese population about25,000. The Basel Mission opened work in 1906, and reports 800 Christians in 6 congregations at Kudat, HappyValley, Sandakan, Jesselton, Papar, and Beaufort. Themission station is at Happy Valley. Four chapels have

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