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4l6CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.negative. When asked as to how he came to study Christianity,he said : I began to study the Bih e in the Chinese Young Men sChristian Association of "Tokyo.Truly it has been said by Rev. H. Loom is, of theAmerican Bible Society: "God has thus given inTokyo an opportunity that has never been equalled toreach the representatives of the vast heathen populationof China."When I arrived in Tokyo three years ago I foundonly six Christians among all the large army of Chinesestudents. The Christian work among them has steadilygrown. It has, like most Christian work, had to fightits way against prejudice, superstition, immorality, materialism, and many other kindred evils, but thank God,it has triumphed over them all and has borne the fruitof its labor as well as materially widened its scope ofusefulness and influence.During the year 1909 land was bought for theArthington building. The New Association and Hostelbuilding was completed in December, and on January8th, 1910, the formal opening took place. Before formally opening the building to public use the Association conceived the idea of inviting all the ChineseChristian men to the building for a three days retreator conference. The main purpose of this conferencewas to deepen the spiritual lives of the men. Another object was to devise means for carrying on moreeffectively the Christian campaign among the Chinesestudents.The Chinese Young Men s Christian Associationand Hostel was erected at a cost of Y. 10,000 in thevery heart of the student section of Waseda. Tl:e building contains provision for 30 or 40 students in thedormitory.The most important advance during the presentyear and the most far reaching in results has been alongthe line o( Bible study. An Evangelistic Associationwas formed among the students with the expressed

YOUNG MEN S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. 417purpose of "making Christ known to the people ofChina." Twenty men have declared their purpose tocarry out the objects of this Association wherever theymight be in Japan, China, or elsewhere. Practicallyevery Christian man has been enrolled in some Bibleclass of the Association. Each evening fifteen minutesis devoted to Bible study and prayer for the students inour educational classes. When this was first introduced,nearly all of the non-Christian students fought shy ofthe meeting. Now, however, this short service hasbecome popular, and is attended by nearly all thestudents enrolled in the evening classes. An EvangelisticBible Class has been conducted at the WasedaDepartment with increasing interest. At the samehour a normal training class is held at the CentralDepartment. Some of the men, trained in this class,are now leading prayer meetings and speaking at theEvangelistic Bible Classes. These, together with theother Bible classes held in the Association, the NavalSchool and the homes, give cause for thanksgiving toGod.We have as yet left unmentioned the work amongthe Korean students in Tokyo, who number over 700.There is a deep and genuine interest among them towardChristianity. At this writing there are more than 30awaiting baptism. These men have been in trainingsome time in the Association Bible Classes. Of the nomembers enrolled in the Korean Young Men s ChristianAssociation, 30 are active and 80 associate members.Sixty-six have been enrolled in the Bible classes during1909 and 192 in the educational classes. Seventy-eightyoung men want to become Christians and also wish tojoin the church.There is an urgent need for a dormitory for theyoung Korean Christians, where they may stay togetherfor prayer and Bible stud} 7 . Such a dormitory wouldform a strong Christian centre and would influencelargely the whole Korean student body.

4l6CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.negative. When asked as to how he came to study Christianity,he said : I began to study the Bih e in the Chinese Young Men sChristian Association of "Tokyo.Truly it has been said by Rev. H. Loom is, of theAmerican Bible Society: "God has thus given inTokyo an opportunity that has never been equalled toreach the representatives of the vast heathen populationof China."When I arrived in Tokyo three years ago I foundonly six Christians among all the large army of Chinesestudents. The Christian work among them has steadilygrown. It has, like most Christian work, had to fightits way against prejudice, superstition, immorality, materialism, and many other kindred evils, but thank God,it has triumphed over them all and has borne the fruitof its labor as well as materially widened its scope ofusefulness and influence.During the year 1909 land was bought for theArthington building. The New Association and Hostelbuilding was completed in December, and on January8th, 1910, the formal opening took place. Before formally opening the building to public use the Association conceived the idea of inviting all the ChineseChristian men to the building for a three days retreator conference. The main purpose of this conferencewas to deepen the spiritual lives of the men. Another object was to devise means for carrying on moreeffectively the Christian campaign among the Chinesestudents.The Chinese Young Men s Christian Associationand Hostel was erected at a cost of Y. 10,000 in thevery heart of the student section of Waseda. Tl:e building contains provision for 30 or 40 students in thedormitory.The most important advance during the presentyear and the most far reaching in results has been alongthe line o( Bible study. An Evangelistic Associationwas formed among the students with the expressed

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