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"AYOUNG MEN S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. 415The passing away of the late rulers of China andthe enthroning of the new and more progressive one wasthe most noted event in China during 1909. Thischange of rulers has had a striking influence on theChinese students body in Tokyo. It has caused thisbody of some 4,000 students to be more hopeful for theircountry s welfare. They believe that China is nowdestined to be in reality a world power. This has inspired them to greater effort in order fo prepare andequip themselves for serving their country. Formerly,when larger numbers of students came to Tokyo forlearning, many of them were pessimistic as to theircountry s future and naturally held revolutionaryNow ideas.a greater unity and more genuine patriotic spirit ismanifested. This, together with the fact that thestudents now here are a stronger type of men and betterqualified, makes Christian effort in their behalf all themore important and urgent.Owing to the great demand in China for teachersand men of training, many students are constantlyreturning to take up various positions. Also, not a feware studying here preparatory to entering some collegeor university in America or Europe. Now is the timein the lives of these men for influencing them forChrist. The following letter, from a veteran missionaryin China, will illustrate the importance and urgencyof this :few weeks ago, as I took the Boston and Albany train atWorcester, Mass., I saw a fine looking Chinese young man standingnear the door. He returned my bow and smile, and I said : I mgoing to Tientsin, China, soon, and would like to talk with you.He talked freely about the new China and gave me his ideas onthe kind of a school needed for girls He was on his way toAnn Arbor to study law. Are you a Christian? I asked. No,was the reply, but I am studying Christianity. I have beenstudying various religions to find the best. I do not like Buddhism. I now have a feeling that Christianity is better than Confucianism. I believe that Jesus Christ is stronger than Confucius.It seems to me that Jesus gives the affirmative, while Confuciusgives the negative. The affirmative is always stronger than the

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