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4 I2 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.to the publication of literature for young men, totext-books and pamphlets on Bible and Mission Study.Aggressive efforts were made throughout the year towiden the influence of the Chinese edition of China sYountr Men, the paid circulation of which grew from3,700 in January to 5,279 in December. A larger measure of self-support was also secured through an increasein advertising, and on the purely mechanical side of itsproduction and distribution the magazine has ceased tobe a financial burden to the committee. The followingtable, showing its circulation by provinces, is evidenceof the widespread influence of what may be called"the most widely circulated Christian periodical inChina."Total 5-2799 new books were issued and 14 reprinted.Physical Training.The. notable sign of progress ofthe year in physical training has been the establishmentof systematic gymnasium work in the Shanghai Association under the direction of Dr. M. J. Exner. Duringthe year class work has been regularly carried on withsufficient continuity to test its adaptability to this newenvironment. Eight classes were maintained throughoutthe season one of picked men in training as leaders,one for young business men, two for students in theday-school who were members of the Association, twofor other students in the day-school and one for thetraining of physical directors. In this last were enrolledfive nieii who have come to Shanghai for thorough prep-

YOUNG MEN S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. 413aration as physical directors in associations and colleges. These men, who have come from Nanking,Hangchow, Tientsin, and Seoul, are taking a two yearscourse in the technical studies and practice of physicaltraining. In addition four public gymnastic exhibitionswere held to popularize class work.In connection with the land campaign in May theShanghai Association secured an excellent plot of groundfor an athletic field.At Tientsin the Association continues to exert alarge influence in the development of a system of physical culture among the educational institutions. Specialathletic instruction has been given at Pei Yang University, the Government Army Medical College, the Government Middle School and the private Middle School.II. IN JAPAN AMONG CHINESE STUDENTS.Although it has been but four years since theChristian work for the Chinese students in Japan wasbegun, yet it has reached a phenomenal growth, due tothe peculiarly advantageous conditions presented by thegreat body of Chinese students in Tokyo. The religious, social, and educational character of the YoungMen s Christian Association affords many chances ofmixing with the young men in various relations. If oneremembers that every province in China is representedby the students in Japan, and further that they belong tothe best and most influential families of China, it will bereadily seen that to influence these men will eventuallyreach a larger constituency than could be reached inany other way. Never in the history of missions liassuch an opportunity been given to the church. Thebearing of the Young Men s Christian Associationwork among these men in its relation to the regeneration to China, and Mission work in particular, isobvious.

4 I2 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.to the publication of literature for young men, totext-books and pamphlets on Bible and Mission Study.Aggressive efforts were made throughout the year towiden the influence of the Chinese edition of China sYountr Men, the paid circulation of which grew from3,700 in January to 5,279 in December. A larger measure of self-support was also secured through an increasein advertising, and on the purely mechanical side of itsproduction and distribution the magazine has ceased tobe a financial burden to the committee. The followingtable, showing its circulation by provinces, is evidenceof the widespread influence of what may be called"the most widely circulated Christian periodical inChina."Total 5-2799 new books were issued and 14 reprinted.Physical Training.The. notable sign of progress ofthe year in physical training has been the establishmentof systematic gymnasium work in the Shanghai Association under the direction of Dr. M. J. Exner. Duringthe year class work has been regularly carried on withsufficient continuity to test its adaptability to this newenvironment. Eight classes were maintained throughoutthe season one of picked men in training as leaders,one for young business men, two for students in theday-school who were members of the Association, twofor other students in the day-school and one for thetraining of physical directors. In this last were enrolledfive nieii who have come to Shanghai for thorough prep-

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