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YOUNG MEN S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, 409One of the best indications of the hold which theAssociation is getting upon the communities of the FarEast, in which it is established, is their willingness tosubscribe to this work. Exclusive of the salaries of theforeign secretaries the current expenses of these Associations are raised locally. Their yearly budgets are fromsix to thirty-seven thousand dollars", raised largely bytuition fees from day and evening classes, membershipdues, and subscriptions. In addition to raising theirregular budgets three Associations have, during the year,conducted financial campaigns which call for specialcomment.Through the invitation of Prince Ito, one of thesecretaries in Seoul made a visit to Japan, where throughthe personal cooperation of Baron Shibusawa, he raisedfrom Japanese friends over Yen 11,000 toward the endowment fund of the Seoul Association. The fact thatthis money was given for work in a distant city, to beused by the men of another race, and that it camealmost altogether from non-Christian sources renders thecanvass remarkable. It is a testimony not only to theinterest of prominent Japanese in the Association, but isindicative of its possible power as a harmonizing force.During May the directors of the Shanghai Association learned that the lot in the rear of the presentproperty on Szechuen Road was to be placed on themarket. If sold to others, the possibility of enlargingthe present building, which is already crowded and ofmeeting the rurgent demand for a bo} s department,might be permanent!}- lost. Although the canvass forthe lot on which the building is placed had been closedbut a few months before and financial conditions inShanghai were worse than for years, the faith andenthusiasm of the leaders demanded an appeal to thecity to save the lot for the extension of the Association sequipment. It was also decided to include in the amountasked for the cost of an athletic field, a total of Taels65,000. Within twenty-one days the amount had beeii

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