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28 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.ler-General of the Board of Education and the youngerman becoming President of the Waivvu Pu. Their presence in Peking certainly hurried on reform, for on thei6th the Government Council discussed Yuan Shih-k ai smemorial of the 2yth July, and on the i8th issued areport in the shape of a memorial, covering five points :the centralization of Government in Peking, the creationof a legislative Council, the extension of local selfgovernment,the provision of universal education, andthe abolition of the distinction between Manchus andChinese. The Throne considered this memorial, andtwo days later issued an Imperial decree establishingthe Legislative Council as the basis of parliamentaryGovernment, Prince Pu L,un and Sun Chia-nai beingappointed presidents with responsibility for draftingdetailed regulations. A week later an Imperial Decreelaid upon the Bannermen the burden brought upon manby man s first disobedience that in the sweat of theirbrows should they eat bread. "We hereby orderViceroys and Governors of provinces ... to report uponthe number of banner troops in the provinces and alscthe drill grounds and arable lands for their use.Detailed arrangements were made so that the bannertroops should earn their own living and "the officialsconcerned should not fail to carry out the Imperial desireto remove the differences between Manchus and Chinese."This decree was supported by another a fortnight later,which instructed the Board of Rites to compile lawscommon to Manchus and Chinese other than ImperialClans ... in order to let the populace know that allthe people are under the same rules and customs. Between these two decrees came one dated 3Oth September,in which it was declared that "We think it necessaryto have universal education . . . and it is also necessaryto have local self-government, without which men ofability could not be properytrained." The sameDecree gives instructions to various departments toprovide necessary aid in these directions. Yuan Shih-

"IMPORTANT EDICTS AND GOVERNMENT CHANGES. 29k ai had previously informed the Throne of the workingof a limited form of local self-government in Tientsin,and it is thus seen that most of his recommendationswere adopted and the; year closed with general amityamongst the officials in Peking, though there was considerable student effervescence in the provinces.The first quarter of the year 1908 had only oneimportant decree to record when, on i2th March, theThrone "strictly ordered the Board of Justice and theCourt of Cassation, as well as Viceroys and Governors,to instruct the officials under them charged with judicialduties to try cases with all expedition and in an impartialmanner," and also ordered that the judges and otherofficials in Peking and the provinces should be selectedproperly from persons who are learned and have soundjudgment," though no means by which such selectionshould be contrived was provided. We may here notethe appointment on 6th March of Chao Krh-hsun asViceroy of Szechwan and of Chao Erh-feng as ImperialResident at Lhasa, two appointments that mark thebeginning of the forward movement in Tibet. A monthlater Chang Chih-tung made ten proposals regardingTibet, including the establishment of primary schools,the opening of mines, the maintenance of China ssupremacy with the assistance of Britain and Russia,the development of telegraphic and postal service, theconnexion of Tibet and Szechwan by rail, and theconversion of Tibet into a province. This last suggestion was in accord with the establishment of the Boardof Colonies noted above, and has been brought considerably nearer by the flight of the Dalai Lama and themiraculous selection of a successor. The month of Julywas marked by the promulgation of the Imperial Decreethat fixed the constitution of the Legislative Council.The first article of the decree states that the Council isto consist of an Upper and a Lower House, though noindication was then given, nor has any been sinceforthcoming of the difference between the two Houses.

28 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.ler-General of the Board of Education and the youngerman becoming President of the Waivvu Pu. Their presence in Peking certainly hurried on reform, for on thei6th the Government Council discussed Yuan Shih-k ai smemorial of the 2yth July, and on the i8th issued areport in the shape of a memorial, covering five points :the centralization of Government in Peking, the creationof a legislative Council, the extension of local selfgovernment,the provision of universal education, andthe abolition of the distinction between Manchus andChinese. The Throne considered this memorial, andtwo days later issued an Imperial decree establishingthe Legislative Council as the basis of parliamentaryGovernment, Prince Pu L,un and Sun Chia-nai beingappointed presidents with responsibility for draftingdetailed regulations. A week later an Imperial Decreelaid upon the Bannermen the burden brought upon manby man s first disobedience that in the sweat of theirbrows should they eat bread. "We hereby orderViceroys and Governors of provinces ... to report uponthe number of banner troops in the provinces and alscthe drill grounds and arable lands for their use.Detailed arrangements were made so that the bannertroops should earn their own living and "the officialsconcerned should not fail to carry out the Imperial desireto remove the differences between Manchus and Chinese."This decree was supported by another a fortnight later,which instructed the Board of Rites to compile lawscommon to Manchus and Chinese other than ImperialClans ... in order to let the populace know that allthe people are under the same rules and customs. Between these two decrees came one dated 3Oth September,in which it was declared that "We think it necessaryto have universal education . . . and it is also necessaryto have local self-government, without which men ofability could not be properytrained." The sameDecree gives instructions to various departments toprovide necessary aid in these directions. Yuan Shih-

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