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PROGRESS OF OPIUM REFORM. 399ment, after representations from the missionary body,decided to cancel one-fourth of the opium den licensesin the settlement at the expiration of the first halfof 1908, and so onwards cancelling one-fourth eachhalf year until all were finally extinguished. Thedifficulties which some foretold in connection with thisoperation proved to be entirely imaginary, and nowin the foreign settlement all dens are closed.The Chinese Recorder of March, 1908, publishedthe report of an extensive enquiry from missionariesthroughout the empire regarding the progress of theprohibition of opium in China. The general resultshowed that satisfactory progress was being made.On March 22ud, 1908, the Throne again renewedits efforts by issuing a decree commanding effectivemeasures to reduce opium plantation experimentallyfor three years and calling for more stringent measureson the part of the officials.This decree was shortly followed by another evenmore stringent, great efforts being made to compelofficials to break off the habit. In a number of citiespublic burning of opium pipes took place. Missionarieseverywhere continued to back up the movement againstopium. The committee of the Hupeh MissionaryAssociation addressed a memorial to the viceroy atWuchang regarding the backward condition of theopium reform in that province.The next important stage in the campaign wasreached when the International Opium Commissionconvened in Shanghai in February 1-17, 1909, withBishop Brent of the Philippines in the chair. The following nations :participatedUnited vStates of America.Japan.Austro-Hungary.Netherlands.China.Persia.France.Portugal.Germany.Russia.Siam.Great Britain.Italy.

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