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INDUSTRIAL WORK. 397ment. The fact that such schools are being started bythe Chinese themselves shows clearly the need and theopportunity. In these schools boys are taught moderntrades in wood, iron, leather, rattan, etc. They havenight classes to teach primary education. What limitless possibilities for molding the New China are hereoffered to the Christian nations ! One chief difficultyis in securing competent Chinese assistants. Last yeara skilled weaver was sent by the Hinghwa ChristianHerald Orphanage to Japan to learn the use of modernhand looms and to do fine figured weaving. Upon hisreturn the requests for his teaching others outside theorphanage were so urgent that a dozen young men havebeen accepted as weaving pupils to beginat a rate of tuition that reimburses the orphanage forthe initial outlay in sending the workman to Japan.This kind of mission work commends itself to theleaders of the New China. It breaks down prejudice.this autnmnIt represents the Carpenter of Nazareth and the tentmakerof Tarsus. No other country now offers to thistype of missionary effort anything like the opportunitythat is presented in China at this time. The writer ismore than ever convinced that the suggestion made tothe Centenary Conference still holds that the primenecessity for the carrying on of this important branchof Christian philanthropy in China now is the immediateestablishment of a well-equipped central school fortraining Chinese workmen to become teachers or masterworkmen in various mission trades schools, or industrialdepartments of boarding-schools. In spite of the apparently successful instance above mentioned, the difficulties and dangers of sending such men to Japan fortraining are very great, and sending to Europe orAmerica is even more impracticable. The missionarystatesman who leads this nation out from its presentindustrial thraldom will be the Moses of Modern China.He will become her lawgiver and her prophet as well.WILLIAM N. BRKWSTRR.

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