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INDUSTRIAL WORK. 395all parts of China, and nearly all missionary societies,with a view to making the symposium as representativeas possible. The one hundred and two requests broughtsixty responses. It is fair to assume that very few of theforty-two who made no reply have any industrial workin their schools. A number who responded did so only tosay that they had no experience nor opinions to express.Of these sixty, forty represented schools for boys andtwenty, schools for girls. Of the forty principals of boys7schools sixteen or fort} per cent, had industries of somekind in their schools and seven had given the1subjectvery especial attention. Of the *twenty in charge ofgirls schools nine had done nothing, five had the girlsdo their own housekeeping, generally with plain sewingalso, and six had a department of some industry requiring training, generally drawn-work, lace-embroidery, orweaving. So that fifty-five per cent, of the schools forgirls which reported, and forty per cent, of the schoolsfor boys, have industrial employment for their pupils.Among the industries taught in the sixteen schools forboys may be noted: printing, five; carpentry, four;household work, five ; weaving, three ; shoe-making, two;farming or gardening, two ; masonry, one ;milling, one.Often several lines are carried on in the same school.But it must not be assumed that this average would holdthroughout all the mission schools of the empire, for theunresponding forty per cent, must be counted as havinglittle or nothing to report. It may be reasonably safe,however, to estimate that some kind of industrial workis being carried on say in twenty per cent, of the schoolsfor boys, and, including housework and plain sewing, infully forty per cent, of the schools for girls.The industries taught in industrial schools seem tohave in the main two objects. First, in order to givethe pupil a means of earning a living after leavingschool. Second, in order to help the pupil to supporthimself while in school. There is a very marked difference between education in industries and education with

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