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CHAPTER XXIILvBIBLE TRANSLATION AND REVISION.Scriptures have been translated in whole or inpart into Wen-li, Easy Wen-li, Mandarin, and thefollowing vernaculars or colloqnials :Amoy, Kienning, Shantung Mandarin,Canton, Kienyang, Shaowu,Foochow, Kinhwa, Soochow,Hainan, Ningpo, Swatow,Hakka, Shanghai, Taichow,Hangchow, Saukiang, Wenchow.and for the aborigines in West China, in Chungchia, andHwa Miao.Several of these versions are only tentative translations, and most of them undergo revision from timeto time. Thus the Bible Societies are not only engagedin publishing and distributing the Scriptures, but inpromoting new translations and securing the improvement of versions already in use.The following versions were in the hands of translators or revisers during 1909, and notes of the progress that is being made may be of interest to thereaders of the Year Book :The Wen-li Union Version, Old Testament* Translators : Rev. D. Z. Sheffield, D.D., chairman, Rev. J.Wherry, D.D., Rev. LI. Lloyd, Rev. P. J. Maclagan,Ph.D., Rev. T. W. Pearce. This company held theirfirst session at Tuugchow in the spring, when all butDr. Maclagan were present. The draft translations ofJob and I. Samuel i-xiv were considered and passed.*The translation of these versions is being promoted jointly by the threeBible Societies, The British and Foreign Bible Society, the American BibleSociety and the National Bible Society of Scotland.

BIBLE TRANSLATION AND REVISION. 379The Mandarin Union I ersion, Old Testament*Translators: Rev. Channcey Goodrich, D.D. ,chairman,Rev. F. W. Bailer, Rev. Spencer Lewis, D.D., Rev. C. W.Allan, Rev. A. Syden Strieker. The chairman s report,which covers the work of the year, is as follows :This company met at Chefoo for five full months (June toOctober). Work commenced at tlie 35th Psalm, and we finishedthe whole Psaltery. The first 34 Psalms, the first was draft of whichgone over at a previous meeting, were reviewed and harmonized.The last two months were given to the final revision of theNew Testament, and the revised Testament, together with themanuscript of the Psalms, was handed to the Bible Societies hiNovember.Taichow Colloquial, Old Testament, Rev. W. D.Rudland, who has already translated Genesis to II.Chronicles, has prepared and seen through the pressthree more books Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations.Kienning Colloquial, New Testament. The NewTestament, in preparation for a second edition whichwill shortly be needed, isbeing revised under the direction of Rev. Hugh Stowell Phillips. Seven books weretaken in hand last year, and the revision of some of themis already finished.Swatow Colloquial. Rev. J. Steele has nearly comthe final revision of his translation of Exod us.pletedHakka Colloquial, Old Testament. Rev. G. Gussmannhas finished his drafts of Leviticus and Judges ;II. Samuel and Ruth were done in 1908. These translations have been gone over very carefully by Rev. D.Schaible, who is also engaged in translating I. Samuel.G. H. BONDFIELD.* Versions whose translation is promoted by the National Bible Society ofScotland.The versions without a mark are being translated or revised for theBritish and Foreign Bible Society.

BIBLE TRANSLATION AND REVISION. 379The Mandarin Union I ersion, Old Testament*Translators: Rev. Channcey Goodrich, D.D. ,chairman,Rev. F. W. Bailer, Rev. Spencer Lewis, D.D., Rev. C. W.Allan, Rev. A. Syden Strieker. The chairman s report,which covers the work of the year, is as follows :This company met at Chefoo for five full months (June toOctober). Work commenced at tlie 35th Psalm, and we finishedthe whole Psaltery. The first 34 Psalms, the first was draft of whichgone over at a previous meeting, were reviewed and harmonized.The last two months were given to the final revision of theNew Testament, and the revised Testament, together with themanuscript of the Psalms, was handed to the Bible Societies hiNovember.Taichow Colloquial, Old Testament, Rev. W. D.Rudland, who has already translated Genesis to II.Chronicles, has prepared and seen through the pressthree more books Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Lamentations.Kienning Colloquial, New Testament. The NewTestament, in preparation for a second edition whichwill shortly be needed, isbeing revised under the direction of Rev. Hugh Stowell Phillips. Seven books weretaken in hand last year, and the revision of some of themis already finished.Swatow Colloquial. Rev. J. Steele has nearly comthe final revision of his translation of Exod us.pletedHakka Colloquial, Old Testament. Rev. G. Gussmannhas finished his drafts of Leviticus and Judges ;II. Samuel and Ruth were done in 1908. These translations have been gone over very carefully by Rev. D.Schaible, who is also engaged in translating I. Samuel.G. H. BONDFIELD.* Versions whose translation is promoted by the National Bible Society ofScotland.The versions without a mark are being translated or revised for theBritish and Foreign Bible Society.

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