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""What376 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.me that on account of a bodily trouble be often could not restwell at night, and lie would light his candle and, lying on hiselbow in bed, read this book. The leaven is at work, and thewider we can get it to work the better. This particular official,itmay be well to add, is known for his gentleness among thepeople.Dr. W. S. Ament (since dead) .writes :I am back from my country trip and had a most pleasanttime. The sad thing is the sight of the grain drying up for wantof rain and the discouraged manner of the farmers. I found allthe colporteurs doing good work, and was much pleased withsome of them. One old man, Chang I*in-sheng, has been themeans of opening a new out-station at Machuang, a largemarket town in the district of Pachou, He discovered there afine man of some property, who secured a copy of Genesis someyears ago. After the war between China and the allies in 1860, aforeign missionary on horseback went through this region distributing books free to all who would receive them. This manLiang, then a young man of twenty, took the copy of Genesisand had studied it carefully and been much impressed with thestory of Joseph. But it was nearly two score of years before hemet Mr. Chang, the colporteur, who explained the meaning tohim. His son is a reading man, and father and son are bothcandidates for church membership. It is this sowing and reapingafter many days that furnish a cause for great encouragement.I write for now is concerning a summer station-classfor colporteurs, chapel keepers, and others in church employ (orany who wish to study) who have had deficient training. It willbe a union class, composed of men from the four missions inPeking, and will be taught by Dr. Pyke, Dr. Fenn, Mr. Dawson(I*. M. S.) and myself. It will continue for about a month, ortill the middle of July. This will carry through the wheatharvest, when the farmers are most busy and when work of thechurch is almost at a standstill. If you have no objection Ithink it would be a good thing for our men to attend this class asfar as possible. In fact, I have always been in favor of moreinstruction for the colporteurs, and also decidedly in favor oftrying to give them a little inspiration for their work, which isreally one of the hardest (if well done)church."in the service of theIn previous yearly reports I have written of thegreat work among the Miao tribesmen and the wonderful revival taking place among them. This still continues aud spreads, and is reaching other tribes also.

""THE BIBLE SOCIETIES. 377Mr. Page, of Anshuen, who isengaged in aboriginalwork, writes under date of November i4th: Pleasefind enclosed a letter from our members and inquirershere in Anping. We have just had a three daysgathering and so thought we would make a collectionfor your Society. The amount, .3 taels, was all in cash,and nine-tenths of it was contributed by our Miaoinquirers, who, although, they are so poor, gave manfor man live times as much as the Chinese. And *again,on January 6th : Our Miao have, at a little conference Ihave just had with them, subscribed 1.20 taels to theAmerican Bible Society and another small; village atwhich I had meetings have had a collection amountingto .67 taels, the total being 1.87 taels. The amountitself is not very large, but it comes from good hearts,and the collection taken in cash was an index to thewillingness of these poor people to help you in yourwork." We know these offerings, made out of deeppoverty and from those who were lately among the mostdegraded heathen in China, must be very precious inthe sight of the Lord of the Harvest.There are 5 foreign colporteurs, 86 Chinese colporteurs, and 49 men superintended by missionaries.

""THE BIBLE SOCIETIES. 377Mr. Page, of Anshuen, who isengaged in aboriginalwork, writes under date of November i4th: Pleasefind enclosed a letter from our members and inquirershere in Anping. We have just had a three daysgathering and so thought we would make a collectionfor your Society. The amount, .3 taels, was all in cash,and nine-tenths of it was contributed by our Miaoinquirers, who, although, they are so poor, gave manfor man live times as much as the Chinese. And *again,on January 6th : Our Miao have, at a little conference Ihave just had with them, subscribed 1.20 taels to theAmerican Bible Society and another small; village atwhich I had meetings have had a collection amountingto .67 taels, the total being 1.87 taels. The amountitself is not very large, but it comes from good hearts,and the collection taken in cash was an index to thewillingness of these poor people to help you in yourwork." We know these offerings, made out of deeppoverty and from those who were lately among the mostdegraded heathen in China, must be very precious inthe sight of the Lord of the Harvest.There are 5 foreign colporteurs, 86 Chinese colporteurs, and 49 men superintended by missionaries.

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