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372 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.Bibles.ts1 ortions. Total.British and Foreign Bible Society, 306,080 1,681,546 15.945.370 17,932.996American Bible Society ......... 101,735 579.716 10764,740 11,446,191National Bible Society of Scotland, 21,595 276,467 10,432,104 10,730,166429,410 2,537,729 37,142,214 40,109,353The chief lesson to be drawn from these figures,however, is not how much has been accomplished, buthow very littlecompared with the size of the field.Were every Bible, Testament, and Portion of Scripture,including the very smallest, which has been issued inChina by the Bible Societies since the days of Morrison,still in existence, the total would amount to no morethan provide one cop}- for every ten of the population.But, since the great bulk of this literature has entirelydisappeared, it may safely be said that Bible work inChina is still in its infancy.JOHN ARCHIBALD.American Bible Society.[From 93rd Annual Report, 1909. John R. Hykes, D.D., Agent.]The notable feature of this year s manufacture isthe increase in the number of complete Bibles and NewTestaments published. The Bibles were 12,000 and theTestaments 40,000 in excess of 1907. The increaseddemand for Bibles and Testaments came largely fromthe Chinese Christians, and shows that our work hasentered upon a new phase. With the rapid growth ofthe native Church we shall have to be prepared tosupply more copies of the complete Scriptures and, as;they have to be sold at a loss, because of the povertyof many of the members, we must have correspondinglylarger funds at our disposal if we are to do anythinglike our share in giving the Bible to the ChristianChurch in China.The Mandarin Reference Bible the first Bible everpublished in the Chinese language with references wasissued from the press near the end of the year, and the

"THE BIBLE SOCIETIES. 373demand was so great that the first edition was speedilyexhausted. We printed 2,000 copies for the British andForeign Bible Society. The text of this Bible is thelatest revision made by Bishop Schereschewsky, and itreceived its final touches just before his death. It is amatter for regret that he did not live to see it."The Union revision of the Mandarin New Testament has been most enthusiastically received. Weprinted 19,000 copies during the year and had 8,000more in press and about ready to be issued on the 3istof December. The compromise"terms" have beenvery generally accepted, and this will undoubtedly bethe settlement of the vexed "Term Question."The"Union" revision of the Mandarin New Testament hasbeen published with these terms, namely, Shang-ti forGod and Sheng-ling for Holy Spirit.The manufacture of Scripture portions was barelysufficient to meet the requirements of our colporteursand the demands of our patrons. The number fell37,500 below what was printed last year and was only6,351 less than what was issued; while the sale ofportions was more than 90,000 in excess of what wasmanufactured.The following is a comparison of the manufacturesfor the past two years:Bibles. Test s. Portions. Total.For the year 1908 13.000 57,ooo 453, 000 523. ooFor the year 1907 1,000 17,000 490,500 508,500Increase over 1907 12,000 40,000 5 2,000Decrease from 1907 37,5Total increase over 1907 14. 5Publications for 1908, classified according to Dialectsand Terms.Dialect. Shangti. Shen. Total.Mandarin 299,000 80,000 379 .000Classical 3,000 3,000Canton Colloquial 48,000 48,000EasyWe"n-li 2,000 75,000 77.000Foochow Colloquial 2,000 2,000Shanghai Colloquial 5,500 5,500Soochow Colloquial 8,500 8,500

372 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.Bibles.ts1 ortions. Total.British and Foreign Bible Society, 306,080 1,681,546 15.945.370 17,932.996American Bible Society ......... 101,735 579.716 10764,740 11,446,191National Bible Society of Scotland, 21,595 276,467 10,432,104 10,730,166429,410 2,537,729 37,142,214 40,109,353The chief lesson to be drawn from these figures,however, is not how much has been accomplished, buthow very littlecompared with the size of the field.Were every Bible, Testament, and Portion of Scripture,including the very smallest, which has been issued inChina by the Bible Societies since the days of Morrison,still in existence, the total would amount to no morethan provide one cop}- for every ten of the population.But, since the great bulk of this literature has entirelydisappeared, it may safely be said that Bible work inChina is still in its infancy.JOHN ARCHIBALD.American Bible Society.[From 93rd Annual Report, 1909. John R. Hykes, D.D., Agent.]The notable feature of this year s manufacture isthe increase in the number of complete Bibles and NewTestaments published. The Bibles were 12,000 and theTestaments 40,000 in excess of 1907. The increaseddemand for Bibles and Testaments came largely fromthe Chinese Christians, and shows that our work hasentered upon a new phase. With the rapid growth ofthe native Church we shall have to be prepared tosupply more copies of the complete Scriptures and, as;they have to be sold at a loss, because of the povertyof many of the members, we must have correspondinglylarger funds at our disposal if we are to do anythinglike our share in giving the Bible to the ChristianChurch in China.The Mandarin Reference Bible the first Bible everpublished in the Chinese language with references wasissued from the press near the end of the year, and the

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