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"370 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.of the Word of Life from the printed pages of Mark and John.The work these Bible-readers do in preparing a highway for thefeet of these children of the hills to the beauties and treasures ofthe Scriptures cannot be estimated ; only the Great Day shalldeclare it.- Rev. PI. PARSONS, Chaotnng.The distribution described above is under the specialsupervision of the society s sub-agents, of whom thereare seven on the field. The work is carefully watched,and by means of colporteurs Bible-classes and betterrates of pa}*, it is hoped that men of superior ability mayin time be obtained for this service. The average colporteur, in spite of failures here and there,who is a workmanneeds not to be ashamed, and whose work, properlydirected, is an important adjunct to the Christian workthat is carried on throughout the provinces.G. H. BONDFIKLD.The National Bible Society of Scotland.Of all the various methods of mission work thatof the Bible Society offers the least attraction to theAthenian mind there is so little of; something new"either to tell or to hear. The best methods for carrying out the society s three-fold purpose the translation, reproduction, and distribution of the Word ofGod were discovered long ago, and it only remains forthe present-day workers to keep steadily on doing thesame things as were done by those who went beforethem. Hence, the history of the three years underreview is but a repetition of what has already been puton record with this difference, the work has been carried on on a much grander scale.Translation. The various committees engaged inthe translation of the Scriptures have, as heretofore,been dependent on the Bible Societies for the meansnecessary to carry it on. As this work has a section foritself, it only remains to note here that the N. B. S. S.,in common with the others, paysits share.

THE B1BLK SOCIETIES. 371Reproduction. All the society s printing is done atHankow, where it lias its own Press a large establishment devoted entirely to the output of Christian literature. A quarter of a century ago, when this press wasstarted, there were no facilities at Hankow for printingon any large scale, and althoughit is different now thesociety still finds it advisable to maintain its own press.The same editions of the Scriptures are printed there asare in use by the other Bible Societies with, in addition,a special item, namely, the illustrated, annotated fourGospels and Acts, for which there is a great demand inall parts of the Chinese Empire.Distribution. For this purpose the society hasdivided the field into four agencies the northern, eastern, central, western, and southern. Kach is under thecharge of a foreign agent, and there is one extra tofillfurlough vacancies, etc., making six foreign agentsin all. Each agent operates chiefly through the missionaries located in his district, who are encouraged toengage and superintend native colporteurs, the societymeeting all charges. The agents themselves do notlargely engage natives, but they travel extensively, circulating the Scriptures and preaching the Gospel. Theaverage number of native colporteurs employed in connection with the society, during the three years ending1909, was 280 per annum.this amountCirculation. During those three yearsed to 2,928,593, consisting of 49,324 Bibles and Testaments and 2,879,269 Portions, chiefly annotated Gospels and Acts. The N. B. S. S., representing, as it does,a small country, and not over wealthy, could hardly beexpected to match the great Bible Societies of Englandand America. Yet in China it forms a remarkably goodthird, as may be seen from the following figures, whichgive the total issues of the Word of God made by thethree Bible Societies throughout the whole of China,from the beginning up to, and including, 1908:

"370 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.of the Word of Life from the printed pages of Mark and John.The work these Bible-readers do in preparing a highway for thefeet of these children of the hills to the beauties and treasures ofthe Scriptures cannot be estimated ; only the Great Day shalldeclare it.- Rev. PI. PARSONS, Chaotnng.The distribution described above is under the specialsupervision of the society s sub-agents, of whom thereare seven on the field. The work is carefully watched,and by means of colporteurs Bible-classes and betterrates of pa}*, it is hoped that men of superior ability mayin time be obtained for this service. The average colporteur, in spite of failures here and there,who is a workmanneeds not to be ashamed, and whose work, properlydirected, is an important adjunct to the Christian workthat is carried on throughout the provinces.G. H. BONDFIKLD.The National Bible Society of Scotland.Of all the various methods of mission work thatof the Bible Society offers the least attraction to theAthenian mind there is so little of; something new"either to tell or to hear. The best methods for carrying out the society s three-fold purpose the translation, reproduction, and distribution of the Word ofGod were discovered long ago, and it only remains forthe present-day workers to keep steadily on doing thesame things as were done by those who went beforethem. Hence, the history of the three years underreview is but a repetition of what has already been puton record with this difference, the work has been carried on on a much grander scale.Translation. The various committees engaged inthe translation of the Scriptures have, as heretofore,been dependent on the Bible Societies for the meansnecessary to carry it on. As this work has a section foritself, it only remains to note here that the N. B. S. S.,in common with the others, paysits share.

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