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364 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.THE CIRCULATION OF THE SCRIPTURES.The figures which follow, it should be noted, arethose which come to us from the sub-agents, depots,and correspondents when the actual sales are reported,and to these are added the Scriptures given to schools,hospitals, and other charitable institutions. It is, therefore, with no little satisfaction that an increase in thecirculation over that of 1908 is reported of 139,710copies, i.e., the number of Bibles, Testaments, and Portions that have actually gone forth among the Chinese.That the circulation has now reached a total of overone million and a half, and that nearly 99 per cent, ofthese Scriptures were sold, is surely a matter for sincerethanksgiving.As an introduction to a brief account of thecirculation of the Scriptures in the Chinese Empireby the B. F. B. S. during 1909, the figures for thepreceding eight years may be of interest, and it maybe further noted that the average annual circulation forthe ten years 1890-1899 was 392,057 copies.Total 129,522 327,212 8,210,899 8,667,633The total number of copies putinto circulationprior to 1890 was 4,320,000. The Scriptures circulatedin 1909 were 1,504,933 copies, viz., 18,656 Bibles,52,739 Testaments, 1,476,506 Portions. This total is inadvance of the previous highest figures by over 139,000.Channels of Circulation. (<?) Colportage. Thedistribution of the Scriptures is carried on by a widelyorganized system of colportage in which missionaries,

"WeTHK BIBLE SOCIETIES. 365Chinese colporteurs, Bible-women and Chinese pastors,preachers and evangelists and church-members takepart. All the Scriptures thus distributed are sold,though the prices are usually one-third or even one-fourthof cost. The colportage sales in 1909 were 1,390,156,an increase of 157,647 on the preceding year. Thenumber of paid colporteurs was 410 working full timeand 139 giving only a portion of their time. Reckonedon the basis of one colporteur for each twelve monthsfull work the number of colporteurs would be 396.About eight-tenths of the colporteurs are under missionary supervision, and do their work as members of themission staff.(b} Depot Sales. A Bible depot has become anestablished institution in all the principal mission centres,but with the rapid spread of new literature, Chinesebook-sellers may in time consider it worth while to addthe Scriptures to their stock of \foreign" literature.At the present time only one Chinese book-seller, so faras is known, has the courage or the wisdom to put ourbright-covered and cheap Gospels on his counter.The depot sales vary little in number from year toyear, but it is worth noting that whilst in the threeyears prior to 1900 the average sales were 3,400 Bibles,14,700 Testaments, and 58,000 Portions, in the last threeyears the average has risen to 14,500 Bibles, 31,000Testaments, and 76,700 Portions. In 1909 the saleswere 15,494 Bibles, 38,808 Testaments, and 86,980Portions.(c} Free Gifts. The books given away were 793Bibles, i, 606 Testaments, and 14,064 Portions. Thevariety of needs which these gifts have met appeals tothe imagination. The full list is too long to publish,but a few illustrative cases may be cited.In response to the following appeal from a memberof the English Baptist Mission in Shantung 400 Gospelswere at once sent : would be glad to have a grant

"WeTHK BIBLE SOCIETIES. 365Chinese colporteurs, Bible-women and Chinese pastors,preachers and evangelists and church-members takepart. All the Scriptures thus distributed are sold,though the prices are usually one-third or even one-fourthof cost. The colportage sales in 1909 were 1,390,156,an increase of 157,647 on the preceding year. Thenumber of paid colporteurs was 410 working full timeand 139 giving only a portion of their time. Reckonedon the basis of one colporteur for each twelve monthsfull work the number of colporteurs would be 396.About eight-tenths of the colporteurs are under missionary supervision, and do their work as members of themission staff.(b} Depot Sales. A Bible depot has become anestablished institution in all the principal mission centres,but with the rapid spread of new literature, Chinesebook-sellers may in time consider it worth while to addthe Scriptures to their stock of \foreign" literature.At the present time only one Chinese book-seller, so faras is known, has the courage or the wisdom to put ourbright-covered and cheap Gospels on his counter.The depot sales vary little in number from year toyear, but it is worth noting that whilst in the threeyears prior to 1900 the average sales were 3,400 Bibles,14,700 Testaments, and 58,000 Portions, in the last threeyears the average has risen to 14,500 Bibles, 31,000Testaments, and 76,700 Portions. In 1909 the saleswere 15,494 Bibles, 38,808 Testaments, and 86,980Portions.(c} Free Gifts. The books given away were 793Bibles, i, 606 Testaments, and 14,064 Portions. Thevariety of needs which these gifts have met appeals tothe imagination. The full list is too long to publish,but a few illustrative cases may be cited.In response to the following appeal from a memberof the English Baptist Mission in Shantung 400 Gospelswere at once sent : would be glad to have a grant

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