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360 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.TRINITY COLLEGE PRESS,NINGPO.This work is in connection with the C. M. S. Mid-China Mission, and, excepting an annual grant of $120from the C. M. S., is self-supporting. Three apprenticelads are employed, and the work done consists of theological books, general mission printing in Chinese characterand romanized, and the printing for the college. Thesuperintendent is the principal of the C. M. S. Training College."BROADCAST" TRACT PRESS, CHANGSHA, HUNAN.This Press began in 1897, and prints exclusivelyGospel leaflets of small size for widespread and freedistribution all tracts being sold to workers for barecost of paper, ink, and pressman. The plant and supportof foreigner are supplied by free-will offerings of interested parties in the United States. About 3,000,000 tractswere issued to January i, 1910, of which 390,000 wereprinted in 1909. The work is carried on in connectionwith the China Mission of the "Galilee" (Baptist)Church of Denver, Colorado, U. S. A. Allen N. Cameronis missionary printer and superintendent.SOUTH CHIHLI MISSIONPRESS.This work was started is connection with the industrial feature of the schools of the South Chihli Mission.It is practically self-supporting the eaucatioual, evangel;istic, colportage or other departments paying cost. Theoutput reported from 1904 to the last World MissionaryConference was 5,000,000 pages a half million more;pages for last year would indicate total output. DeaconWang Liu-tsun is the superintendent ; the secretary ofthe mission is Rev. H. W. Moulding.ENGLISH BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, SIANFU.Although small, this establishment has been of thegreatest use in supplying the needs of the part of Shensi

MISSION PRKSSKS. 361in which it is situated. It priiits all kinds of bookletsand tracts ; nothing being undertaken, however, largerthan fifty-page books. About 300,000 pages are printedannually. The work, which issuperintended by Rev.A. G. Shorrock, is dependent on grants from the ReligiousTract Society and English Baptist Mission.THE C. I. M. PRESS, TAICHOW.Mr. W. D. Rudland has worked hard and continually for many years in the preparation and printing of Romanised literature in the Taichow dialect.The work isBritish andpractically self-supporting (theForeign Bible Society having helped in the Scriptureprinting). There are six workmen we understand that;some good evangelistic workers have graduated from thepractical side of the work. In addition to Scriptureprinting, Romanised primers, catechisms, hymn books,tracts, and Christian booklets have been issued.WEIHAIWEI MISSION PRESS.This Press is unconnected with any mission, but isnow under the trusteeship of missionaries who are eitherlabouring in East Shantung or have been there since1903. Apart from foreign superintendenceit is selfsupporting.Eight Chinese workmen are employed, andthe work done includes Gospel sheet calendars (over1,000,000 having been printed and circulated since thecommencement of the press), roll-text almanac, and sixtymiscellaneous Chinese publications. Printing in Englishis undertaken to give financial buoyancy to the work.SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST MISSION PRESS,SHANGHAI.Publishing work was first started in Honan, butwas removed to Shanghai in the spring of 1908. Tenworkmen are employed, and the output (which consistsof Chinese literature for missionary work only) amount-

360 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.TRINITY COLLEGE PRESS,NINGPO.This work is in connection with the C. M. S. Mid-China Mission, and, excepting an annual grant of $120from the C. M. S., is self-supporting. Three apprenticelads are employed, and the work done consists of theological books, general mission printing in Chinese characterand romanized, and the printing for the college. Thesuperintendent is the principal of the C. M. S. Training College."BROADCAST" TRACT PRESS, CHANGSHA, HUNAN.This Press began in 1897, and prints exclusivelyGospel leaflets of small size for widespread and freedistribution all tracts being sold to workers for barecost of paper, ink, and pressman. The plant and supportof foreigner are supplied by free-will offerings of interested parties in the United States. About 3,000,000 tractswere issued to January i, 1910, of which 390,000 wereprinted in 1909. The work is carried on in connectionwith the China Mission of the "Galilee" (Baptist)Church of Denver, Colorado, U. S. A. Allen N. Cameronis missionary printer and superintendent.SOUTH CHIHLI MISSIONPRESS.This work was started is connection with the industrial feature of the schools of the South Chihli Mission.It is practically self-supporting the eaucatioual, evangel;istic, colportage or other departments paying cost. Theoutput reported from 1904 to the last World MissionaryConference was 5,000,000 pages a half million more;pages for last year would indicate total output. DeaconWang Liu-tsun is the superintendent ; the secretary ofthe mission is Rev. H. W. Moulding.ENGLISH BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, SIANFU.Although small, this establishment has been of thegreatest use in supplying the needs of the part of Shensi

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