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358 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The work done is mainly in Romanized vernacular ;any work in Chinese character is done from stereotypes.In addition to the New Testament and otherportions of Scripture printed for the British and ForeignBible Society, such books are published as Pilgrim sProgress, Earth s Bible Stories, hymn book, catechismsand other Christian tracts. A monthly church newsis also published.Revenue is partly acquired by the sale of suchworks as the Swatow Vocabulary and a Swatow Indexto Williams Dictionary, etc. But the income does notmeet expenditure and has to be increased by donationsor by grants from the mission funds.ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN MISSION PRESS,FORMOSA.TAINAN,This Press was set up in the year 1884;the firstpublication (The National Anthem) being publishedon 24th May of that year. The Press is used for theprinting of books in Romanized vernacular the ; outputfor last year being 280,000 pages.The chief work of the Press during these yearshas been the printing each month of the church paper,the Tainan Church News (in June the 3OOth numberbeing printed). The first number was published inJuly, 1885, and it has been published monthly since.It has also printed a Commentary on the ThreeCharacter Classic, translation of the Sacred Edict,Commentary on Romans i.-viii., Christie s Old Organ,etc., hymnbook, and a number of books of the N. T.for the use of translators in a tentative revision ofour vernacular N. T. ,and innumerable sheets for usein the hospitals, schools, examinations, notices to thechurches, circulars, and a very little English printing.The superintendent is one of the missionariesappointed annually by the Mission Council ;this yearRev. T. Barclay being in charge.

MISSION PRESSES. 359UNION UNIVERSITY PRESS,WEIHSIEN.This Press was originally founded at Tengchowin 1906 by Rev. W. M. Hayes, D.D. The ShantungTimes, S. S. lessons, moral science lectures, and smalljobs were printed in Chinese. It is run now in connection with the Arts College of Shantung Christian University ; the superintendent being Rev. H. G. Whitcher. Itis self-supporting, employs four workmen, and printstranslations made for the college, the college Bulletin ,the college job work, and tracts and pamphlets forShantung missions. Enlargement in the near future isanticipated.AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN MISSION PRESS,NODOA, HAINAN.This small establishment has been used as an industrial department of the boys high school, andoriginally was confined to printing in the HainaneseRomanized (Gospels, hymn book, catechism, primer, andphrase book), but for the last four years most of thework done has been printing from colloquial characterstereos made by the Shanghai Press.THE UNIVERSITY OF NANKING PRESS.This Press was formerly the property of the ForeignChristian Mission, but was turned over, with otherschool property, to the Union University. It was startedseventeen years ago under the care of Rev. F. E.Meigs, who superintendedit for fourteen years. Forthe last three years it has been in charge of Rev. C. S.Settlemyer. It employs four men, and is self-supporting.According to last annual report 29,100 tracts wereprinted, 25,450 monthly periodicals in English andChinese, and 234,970 reports, books, and miscellaneousjob printing.

MISSION PRESSES. 359UNION UNIVERSITY PRESS,WEIHSIEN.This Press was originally founded at Tengchowin 1906 by Rev. W. M. Hayes, D.D. The ShantungTimes, S. S. lessons, moral science lectures, and smalljobs were printed in Chinese. It is run now in connection with the Arts College of Shantung Christian University ; the superintendent being Rev. H. G. Whitcher. Itis self-supporting, employs four workmen, and printstranslations made for the college, the college Bulletin ,the college job work, and tracts and pamphlets forShantung missions. Enlargement in the near future isanticipated.AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN MISSION PRESS,NODOA, HAINAN.This small establishment has been used as an industrial department of the boys high school, andoriginally was confined to printing in the HainaneseRomanized (Gospels, hymn book, catechism, primer, andphrase book), but for the last four years most of thework done has been printing from colloquial characterstereos made by the Shanghai Press.THE UNIVERSITY OF NANKING PRESS.This Press was formerly the property of the ForeignChristian Mission, but was turned over, with otherschool property, to the Union University. It was startedseventeen years ago under the care of Rev. F. E.Meigs, who superintendedit for fourteen years. Forthe last three years it has been in charge of Rev. C. S.Settlemyer. It employs four men, and is self-supporting.According to last annual report 29,100 tracts wereprinted, 25,450 monthly periodicals in English andChinese, and 234,970 reports, books, and miscellaneousjob printing.

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