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35 6 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.to proceed with the development of the press. Thework issupervised by a committee, Rev. James Neavebeing treasurer. The buildings and initial plant havingbeen furnished by the Canadian Methodist Church,the work is now self-supporting-, in that allrunningexpenses are met and new stock and machinery arepurchased.There are now over sixty workmen, and the workdone comprehends all sorts of printing, including theWest China Missionary News, in English also a Chinese;monthly magazine, tracts, books, and booklets, schoolrules and prospectuses in the same language ;primers,catechism, hymn books and various tracts in Hwa Miao ;and booklets, tractates, and tracts, and presently acatechism and hymn book in Tibetan.The total output for 1909 was : Booksand tracts,2,400,267; pages, 19,785,344.Output from date of organisation up to and including1908: Copies, 15,625,000; pages, 62,500,000.NORTH CHINA UNION COLLEGE PRESS,TUNGCHOW.The American Board Mission Press was re-establishedafter the destruction in 1900 as the North China UnionCollege Press at Tungchow, Chihli, and work wasbegun in December, 1905, with a member of the collegefaculty, Rev. H. S. Gait, as superintendent. Theequipment then cost about $1,500.00 gold. In January,1908, Mr. Wm. H. Carl Ebeling was called by themission to take charge of the press and teach in thecollege. During that year the equipment was increased,bringing the total up to about $3,400.00 gold. Theregular employees at present number only four, butthe average would be about six, not including thestudent help employed. The work done is general bookand job printing (tracts, medical and educational books,reports in English and Chinese, hymn books, etc.),including native (which is mostly by outside contract)

MISSION PRESSES. 357and foreign style binding, stereotyping, etc. The outputfrom December, 1905, to January, 1910, was 8,166,600pages; during 1909 it was 3,523,452 pages. Outsideof original equipment and salary of superintendent thepress is self-supporting (including provision for repairsand replacing of worn out equipment).THE HINGHWA MISSION PRESS.This Press (in Hinghwa city, Fukien province)is identified with the Board of Foreign Missions of theMethodist Episcopal Church, and was started in asmall way in 1896. It has so grown that nine workmengive their entire time and twenty student workmengive part time the latter thus ; being enabled to earna portion or all of the cost of their education. Theoutput last year was nearly two million pages.The chief work done is printing a semi-monthlynewspaper in Romanized also one in Chinese;character ;the Bible, tracts, and text-books in Romanized ;alsoSunday school literature.The Press is practically self-supporting, althoughgrants have been received for printing tracts andnewspapers whilst the American Bible Society has;published the Romanized Bible. The superintendentis Rev. W. N. Brevvster, D.D.ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN MISSION PRESS,SWATOW.Work was commenced in 1880 with a hand pressand a font of type sent out as a gift from friends inEngland. It was set up in the boarding-school andthe school boys taught to use it. In 1885 a freshfont of Roman type was added, and in 1893 anotherfont was purchased. The plant of the Press includesstereotyping apparatus, book-binding outfit and twoprinting machines. The number of printers employed

35 6 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.to proceed with the development of the press. Thework issupervised by a committee, Rev. James Neavebeing treasurer. The buildings and initial plant havingbeen furnished by the Canadian Methodist Church,the work is now self-supporting-, in that allrunningexpenses are met and new stock and machinery arepurchased.There are now over sixty workmen, and the workdone comprehends all sorts of printing, including theWest China Missionary News, in English also a Chinese;monthly magazine, tracts, books, and booklets, schoolrules and prospectuses in the same language ;primers,catechism, hymn books and various tracts in Hwa Miao ;and booklets, tractates, and tracts, and presently acatechism and hymn book in Tibetan.The total output for 1909 was : Booksand tracts,2,400,267; pages, 19,785,344.Output from date of organisation up to and including1908: Copies, 15,625,000; pages, 62,500,000.NORTH CHINA UNION COLLEGE PRESS,TUNGCHOW.The American Board Mission Press was re-establishedafter the destruction in 1900 as the North China UnionCollege Press at Tungchow, Chihli, and work wasbegun in December, 1905, with a member of the collegefaculty, Rev. H. S. Gait, as superintendent. Theequipment then cost about $1,500.00 gold. In January,1908, Mr. Wm. H. Carl Ebeling was called by themission to take charge of the press and teach in thecollege. During that year the equipment was increased,bringing the total up to about $3,400.00 gold. Theregular employees at present number only four, butthe average would be about six, not including thestudent help employed. The work done is general bookand job printing (tracts, medical and educational books,reports in English and Chinese, hymn books, etc.),including native (which is mostly by outside contract)

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