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MTSvSION PRESSES. 355General book and tract printing in both Chinese andEnglish, as well as job work for local firms, is done.Two. periodicalsare published one in English especiallyfor circulation among Baptist missionaries, and one inChinese ;also Sunday school literature and Scriptures.Much general literature is sent abroad whither Chinesehave gone, as almost all Chinese abroad are from Cantonprovince.Sixty workmen are employed. The wages of workmen and the salary of the trained foreign printer, who issuperintendent of works, are paid from local income. Allmoney contributed has been applied either towards paying for land and buildings, or for direct missionarywork. The present assets are much more than all contributions received. Last year approximately 15,000,000pages of Christian literature in Chinese were issued.The issue since the beginning of the Society has beenabout 70,000,000.Plans for a new publishing house are being perfected,which will have a capacity for about 200 workmen.Nearly $30,000 United States currency has been pledgedtowards new equipment. The Society owns valuable1land on the river front in the eastern suburbs of Canton,where the new plant will be erected.An important part of the Society s aim from thebeginning has been colportage work. Over twentycolporteurs have been employed, each working under aBaptist missionary. New men are being employed asrapidly as suitable ones can be found and money issecured for their support.The present superintendentof the printing workjMr. R. T. Cowles. Rev. R. E. Chambers, D.D.. isgeneral secretary of the Society.CANADIAN METHODIST MISSION PRESS, SZECHWAN.Rev. V. C. Hart, D.D., laid the foundations forthis press in 1897, in Kiating. In 1903, new buildingsand ground in Chentu enabled Rev. J. E. Eudicott

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