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352 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.H. Lacy and R. P. Wilson were the first managers.In 1906, Rev. R. P. Wilson resigned, and Rev. W. H.Lacy was elected sole manager. Since July, 1909, ME.J. L- Coweu has been associated with him as assistantmanager.During the past year the building has been somewhat enlarged to provide for a steadily increasing volumeof business. New machinery has been added and thestock of English and Chinese books enlarged.Besides the literature demanded by the Methodistmissions in China other books of general interest arebeing published, and the presses have been kept busywith contract work for the Bible and Tract Societies,the Y. M. C. A. and the various missions and educationalinstitutions in China. About one hundred Chineseworkmen are employed, besides those engaged in thenative bookbinding.An interesting phase of this union work was theamalgamation of the two Chinese monthlies issued by thetwo churches the Hwa Mei Pao and the Kiao Paointo the Hwa Mei Kiao Pao, "The Chinese ChristianAdvocate," under the joint editorship of Rev. F.Ohlinger and Dr. Y. J. Allen. On the death of Dr.Allen in 1907, Dr. A. P. Parker was appointed editorin his place, and Dr. G. A. Stuart succeeded Rev. F.Ohlinger.METHODIST MISSION PRESS,POOCHOW.Established in 1862. Present superintendent, appointed in 1910, is Walter N. Lacy, who succeeds Rev.\V. S. Bissonnette, who was superintendent from thedate of Dr. Lacy s departure for Shanghai (1903), whenthe Foochow Press was made a branch of the MethodistPublishing House in China. This Press has been closelyidentified with the growth of the literature in the colloquial dialect. The output varies from twenty to thirtytwomillions of pages annually.

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