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CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.and of his many successors were celebrated in 1907many ;others, because they are unknown, will never becelebrated at all. The opening and the awakeningChina ofare not unreasonably thought by some to be themost important world events since Columbus discoveredAmerica. In contributing to these great results noagencies have been so potent as those which have accompanied the introduction of Christianity, but as yet itsreal influence has only begun.Largest and most fruitful of the many tasks beforethe Christian church of the twentieth century is to bethe uplift and the regeneration of China.ARTHUR H. SMITH.

CHAPTER II.IMPORTANT EDICTS AND GOVERNMENT CHANGES.T is a piece of Chestertonian humour that puts intoone chapter important decrees and governmentchanges. For the true beginnings of the history of the period under review one has to go back tothe great tour of the Mission of Five in 1905. It is notfor a moment to be supposed that that tour taught verymuch. A scamper through Europe, the United Statesand Japan, largely a triumphal progress through innumerable courses of gorgeous but rapidly forgotten dinners,with flying visits to factories and foundries, state departments and statistical bureaux, could hardly be expectedto teach much, though in all likelihood it left at itsclose, like a pyrotechnic display, a general memory ofgorgeousness and grandeur, presumably underlain by andimpossible without superior resources, but, howeverlittle the Commissioners may have learned, the Missioncommitted the Government of China irrevocably to apolicy of reform. In this the Mission was perhapsunique, for China has still to learn the lesson of notlooking back when once the hand is put to the plough.From that time to this China has felt herself compelledat any rate to make paper advances. For very shame ssake that Mission could not be allowed to return and beforgotten on the one hand;the outside world waswatching, a matter about which probably China caredlittle ;on the other hand a boisterous if not considerablesection of China s own sons plainly expected such vastresults from the Mission that some little must be done.It is the first step that counts, and having taken thatstep China has been compelled, especially with thebrilliant example of Japan s defeat of a Western Power

CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.and of his many successors were celebrated in 1907many ;others, because they are unknown, will never becelebrated at all. The opening and the awakeningChina ofare not unreasonably thought by some to be themost important world events since Columbus discoveredAmerica. In contributing to these great results noagencies have been so potent as those which have accompanied the introduction of Christianity, but as yet itsreal influence has only begun.Largest and most fruitful of the many tasks beforethe Christian church of the twentieth century is to bethe uplift and the regeneration of China.ARTHUR H. SMITH.

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