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340 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.the councils of the Empire, and an agency, like theTract Society, which leavens with Christian ideas thethought of the youth of this progressive part of China,is doing a work, the magnitude of which cannot be overestimated. The Canton Society expended last year$1,600 in its work for the Cantonese.The Manchurian Tract Society, with its headquartersin Mukden, lias one of the most promising and interestingfields in the whole of China. Manchuria, recentlyswept by the great revival, isopen from end to end tothe colporteur and preacher as few provinces are open.Mongolia, with two to three million inhabitants, iswithin the radius of this society s field of operations,but scarcely a line of Christian teaching lias beenpublished in the language of the Mongols. It wouldseem to be a comparatively easy task to secure a manwho could translate some of the best tracts we have inChinese into Mongolian and send them out on theirmission of usefulness to the tribes which now sit indarkness in the land of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane.The Manchurian Tract Society expended last year$1,350 in the work of the tract distribution, for itconfines itself to this branch and draws its supplies ofliterature from the other and larger societies.The circulation and expenditure of the various tractsocieties at work in China may be tabulated as follows :Chinese Tract Society, Shanghai. Circulation, 478,000 copies,12,141,400 pages ; expenditure, $15,609.Central China Tract Society, Hankow. Circulation, 2,976,777issues ;expenditure, $21,000.West China Tract Society, Chungking. Circulation, 1,509,528issues; expenditure, $10,500.North China Tract Society, Peking. Circulation, 25, 386 books,5,000,000 pages ; expenditure, $7,431.68.South China Tract Society, Atnoy. Circulation, 85,068 issues ;expenditure, $4,674.North Fukien Tract Society, Foochow. Circulation, 110,676issues ;expenditure, $2,613.Hongkong Tract Society. Circulation 34,430 issues ; expenditure, $1,038.

THE TRACT SOCIETIES IN CHINA. 341Canton Tract Society. Circulation (estimated), 40,000 issues ;expenditure, $1,600.Manchurian Tract Society, Mukden.40,000; expenditure, $1,350.Circulation (estimated),It is not possible to reduce all the "issues" to acommon denominator. One "issue"may be a leafletand another a book of hundreds of pages. The importantfact to be noticed is that these nine societies occupypositions of strategic importance in China. They haveexpended some $70,000 during the year and havecirculated millions of tracts. They provide literaturefor the colporteur and text-books for the theologicalstudent.If these societies did not exist it would be the firstduty of the church in China to call them into existence.As it is they are fortunate in having on their board menof experience and erudition, but the very success of theevangelistic work, resulting in the accelerated growth otthe churches, makes it even more difficult for these mento give the time to the direction of the tract societieswhich is needed and which they could well afford togive in the earlier days.The record of progress, as given in the variousreports of the tract societies, is not only encouraging, butis, in a measure, alarming. The West China TractSociety placed eighty- five new books and tracts on itscatalogue last year. The Central and the Chinese TractSociety also added a considerable number of new books.There is a forward movement all along the line. As aresult of this movement new needs insistently claimattention. Man} 7 of the societies need enlarged officeand depot accommodation. A depot manager is needed inHankow. A Christian business man who knew theChinese language would find here a splendid opportunityfor the exercise of consecrated business talent. Theaged secretary of the Chinese Tract Society in Shanghaihas tendered his resignation. The Board of Directorsare naturally loth to lose the services of one who has

THE TRACT SOCIETIES IN CHINA. 341Canton Tract Society. Circulation (estimated), 40,000 issues ;expenditure, $1,600.Manchurian Tract Society, Mukden.40,000; expenditure, $1,350.Circulation (estimated),It is not possible to reduce all the "issues" to acommon denominator. One "issue"may be a leafletand another a book of hundreds of pages. The importantfact to be noticed is that these nine societies occupypositions of strategic importance in China. They haveexpended some $70,000 during the year and havecirculated millions of tracts. They provide literaturefor the colporteur and text-books for the theologicalstudent.If these societies did not exist it would be the firstduty of the church in China to call them into existence.As it is they are fortunate in having on their board menof experience and erudition, but the very success of theevangelistic work, resulting in the accelerated growth otthe churches, makes it even more difficult for these mento give the time to the direction of the tract societieswhich is needed and which they could well afford togive in the earlier days.The record of progress, as given in the variousreports of the tract societies, is not only encouraging, butis, in a measure, alarming. The West China TractSociety placed eighty- five new books and tracts on itscatalogue last year. The Central and the Chinese TractSociety also added a considerable number of new books.There is a forward movement all along the line. As aresult of this movement new needs insistently claimattention. Man} 7 of the societies need enlarged officeand depot accommodation. A depot manager is needed inHankow. A Christian business man who knew theChinese language would find here a splendid opportunityfor the exercise of consecrated business talent. Theaged secretary of the Chinese Tract Society in Shanghaihas tendered his resignation. The Board of Directorsare naturally loth to lose the services of one who has

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