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33 8 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.Miao tribes. The West China Tract Society hassecured types for printing in the languages of boththese peoples, and the artillery of the printing press isnow at the disposal of the soldier of the cross, whopenetrates into the hitherto inaccessible regions whichare the homes of the Thibetans and the Miao.So greatly has the society s work grown and prospered that the committee were last year forced to theconclusion that a man must be found who would devotehis whole time to the business side of the work. TheR. T. S. of London has been appealed to for help andhas provided the funds needed for the agent s salary.Mr. G. M. Franke, for eight }-ears a missionary in connection with the China Inland Mission, has taken upthis most important work.Last year the society added eighty-five new booksand tracts to its list of publications. It may be seenfrom this that while the new enterprise of providingliterature in the Thibetan and Miao language isbeingvigorously pushed the older branch of Chinese work isfar from being neglected. The West China TractSociety is a living force in evangelistic work in theEmpire. The service it isrendering to the cause ofChrist in West China is incalculable.The income for last year was roundly $10,500.This was allexpended in the work, and the societyshows liabilities in excess of this to the amount of nearly$3,000. Promised grants and subscriptions offset thisdebit balance, but its existence shows that the WestChina Tract Society isexerting itself up to the fulllimit of its resources, and that its usefulness is boundedonly by its financial limitations.Peking is the headquarters of the North China TractSociety. Last year the output of this body was 25,386copies of books and tracts with an aggregate of morethan 5,000,000 pages. To accomplish this the societyexpended $7,431 .68. The North China Tract Society has

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