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THK CHRISTIAN LITERATURE SOCIETY. 333for the three western provinces alone. According tothis estimate, the 18 provinces should have 300 literarymen. Verily our missionary colleagues in their demandfor literary workers have outheroded Herod. So itappears the appeals of our reports were by no meansexaggerated as they appeared in the eyes of someBoards, and when the laymen get along this far intheir study of the needs of China, we shall expect greatthings. But the young men of our universities, who arelooking for a sphere for life investment, must also wakeup, and instead of looking forward to the even tenor ofthe professor s chair, let them come out here and take ahand in what Joseph Cook long ago said to be thebiggest job before the Christian church. Our societyon its part is preparing for a great forward movement.D.

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