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"332 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.one do the same, provided they are sure they are calledto the office. The Christian Literature Society came toChina in the divine thought for the purpose of supplying the one thing more that was needed for the periloustimes through which China is passing. When you hearof conversion by the million/ do not err in supposingthat our workers are satisfied with social and politicalconversion. No, the ancient ideal of China s classics,"A renewed people/is impossible except the peopleindividually be born again. We long to see conversionson the largest scale, as does the whole church in theworld, and we remember the words of the Lord : "Allthings are possible to him who believeth/In our annual report for years we have appealed formore literary workers. Since 1906 our staff has hadtwo losses and one gain. Mr. Walshe and Dr. Allenhave gone from us and Mr. Morgan has come. Surelyit is wrong for the church to neglect the claim of thisunique method of work which has already proved itselfso successful. We want other Boards to loan us men.We propose not to overstock the market, but to increasethe efficiency and quality of our work. Dr. Garritt, ofNanking, read a paper on "Problems of Literature inChina before the Missionary Association, but it isimpossible for the present force of workers to solve theseproblems, and yet they ought to be solved if we are todo right by China.We are glad to see by the list of publications inpreparation, which is published monthly in the ChineseRecorder (a list by the way, the idea of which wasinitiated and carried on by the C. L- S.), that ourappeals for more literature have resulted in a largeincrease of work undertaken by men and women whostill carry on the work of their stations. Anothercurious result of our propaganda was seen at the WestChina Missionary Conference (January 26-February 2,1908), when the conference appealed on its own accountfor fifty or sixty men to be set apart for literary work

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