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33 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The following is a list of our more importantbookspublished during the last three years :Personal Religion, translated by the Ven. Archdeacon Moule.War inconsistent with Christianity ,trans, by D. Mac-Gillivray.Abide in Christ, trans, by D. MacGillivray.England in Egypt, trans, by Yin Pao Lo, edited by T.Richard.Beautiful Joe, trans, by Mrs. D. MacGillivray.Life of a Century 1800 to 1900, trans, by D. MacGillivrayand W. G. Walshe.Scripture Idea of vSin and Salvation, trans, by Evan Morgan.Christian Theology, by A. G. Jones and Timothy Richard.Confucianism and Christianity, by Wang Ping-kun.Commentary on the Chinese Classics, by Dr. Woods.Twelve Years Programme, by Timothy Richard.Gordon s Quiet Talks on Prayer, by D. MacGillivray.,, ,, ,, ,, Power, by D. MacGillivray.,, ,, ,, Service, by D. MacGillivray.Peace for the World and Prosperity for China, by T. Richard.New Life of Christ, by D. MacGillivray.Imago Christi, Stalker s, Wen-li and Mandarin, by D. MacGillivray.Programme of Christianity, Drunimond s, by D. MacGillivray.Civilization in Europe Guizot s, by W. A, Cornaby.Ancient Principles for Modern Guidance, by W. A. Cornaby.Eruce s Training of the Twelve, by D. MacGillivray.Gulick s Growth of the Kingdom, by D. MacGillivray.Special importance is attached to various tractsprepared by Dr. Richard on the needs of the time. Theviews of such an experienced friend of China are alwayswelcomed by the officials to whom these tracts areregularly sent.The story of the society s comet tract, which willbe found in the appendix to this Year Book, reveals oneof the most useful and far reaching pieces of work doneby the society in recent years.The year 1910 will be memorable from the production of the first number of THIS YEAR BOOK, andit may be remarked that just as "TheCentury ofMissions", the Centenary Conference volume, wasmade possible by the Christian literature Society, so

THE CHRISTIAN LITERATURE SOCIETY. 331has the Christian Literature Society made possible thebeginning of another great service to the mission causeof China.The society rejoices in steady progress since thelast Conference in 1907, when their work was describedin "ACentury of Missions in China," pages 629-634.Since that time a foreign manager, with experience in thebook trade, has come out from London, and one evidentresult is the doubling of our sales. Up to the presentour book depot at No. C444 Honan Road is a rentedbuilding; in many respects unsatisfactory, but we havejust completed the purchase of a very fine site for a newdepot on the northwest corner of Foochow and Shantung Roads. Since the Conference, the society purchased land on the North Szechuen Road Extensionwith a view to erecting offices at some future date, butwithin a short time a legacy of 20,000 Taels was left thesociety by its life-long friend, Sir Thomas Hanbury.With this money handsome and commodious offices forthe translating staff were erected and occupied on Junei, 1909. Our English consulting library was adequatelyaccommodated in the new building, and Dr. Richard, towhom the books, with few exceptions, really belonged,took occasion at the last annual meeting to present thewhole, consisting of some 8,000 volumes in English andChinese, as a free gift to the society. The whole isnow catalogued according to Dewey s system with cardindexes to authors and subjects. All missionaries, whenin town, are made welcome to come to 143 North Szechuen Road and make free use of the library.It is scarcely possible to speak about the results ofour work without seeming to claim too much. Perhapsthere are some who think we exaggerate its importance,but there are seers among us to whom is granted theglowing vision of golden harvests from all this sowing.In itself a book is dead, but fructified and used by theSpirit of God, it may contain potential dvuamite enoughto shake the world. We magnify our office. Let every-

THE CHRISTIAN LITERATURE SOCIETY. 331has the Christian Literature Society made possible thebeginning of another great service to the mission causeof China.The society rejoices in steady progress since thelast Conference in 1907, when their work was describedin "ACentury of Missions in China," pages 629-634.Since that time a foreign manager, with experience in thebook trade, has come out from London, and one evidentresult is the doubling of our sales. Up to the presentour book depot at No. C444 Honan Road is a rentedbuilding; in many respects unsatisfactory, but we havejust completed the purchase of a very fine site for a newdepot on the northwest corner of Foochow and Shantung Roads. Since the Conference, the society purchased land on the North Szechuen Road Extensionwith a view to erecting offices at some future date, butwithin a short time a legacy of 20,000 Taels was left thesociety by its life-long friend, Sir Thomas Hanbury.With this money handsome and commodious offices forthe translating staff were erected and occupied on Junei, 1909. Our English consulting library was adequatelyaccommodated in the new building, and Dr. Richard, towhom the books, with few exceptions, really belonged,took occasion at the last annual meeting to present thewhole, consisting of some 8,000 volumes in English andChinese, as a free gift to the society. The whole isnow catalogued according to Dewey s system with cardindexes to authors and subjects. All missionaries, whenin town, are made welcome to come to 143 North Szechuen Road and make free use of the library.It is scarcely possible to speak about the results ofour work without seeming to claim too much. Perhapsthere are some who think we exaggerate its importance,but there are seers among us to whom is granted theglowing vision of golden harvests from all this sowing.In itself a book is dead, but fructified and used by theSpirit of God, it may contain potential dvuamite enoughto shake the world. We magnify our office. Let every-

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