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N.324 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.most efficiently, e.g ., translation and literary work, social work,medical work, evangelistic work, etc.(c) And in general to endeavour to secure harmonious cooperation and more effective work throughout the whole Empire.Federal councils have been formed and are now atwork in the following provinces Chihli, Shantung,:Honan, Sliansi, Anhuei, Hupeh, Hunan, Kiangsu, Chekiang,and in addition there are the three provinces represented in the West China Conference, namely Szechuan,Kweichow and Yunnan. Full representation has beenprovided on these councils for the Chinese Christians,and they have proven themselves very effective members.Especially in North China it has been found that federation has been the occasion of forwarding many unionschemes. The very largely accepted movement for theuse of a union terminology had its beginning with thecouncil meetings of Chihli. It will be seen that for thepresent the Southern provinces, Fukien, Kwangtung andKwangsi have not adopted the federation movement,but still stand much where they did before the adoptionof the federation resolutions of the Shanghai Conference.Reference should also be made in this article to theunion nature of some other work which isbeing donefor all the missions in China, such as the managementof the missionary journal The Chinese Recorder whichhas a representative board of management, and also tosuch organizations as the Educational Association ofChina, the Christian Literature Society, and the MedicalMissionary Association. The work of these bodies isfor the benefit of all missions in the Empire, and theirconstitution is international and interdenominational.With the solid ground work for the developmentof practical unity so evident in existing work in China,together with the growing desire of the Chinese Christiansfor a comprehensive understanding between the variouschurches at work in the Empire, considerable progressought to be manifested in all union movements in thenear future. w . BITTON.

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