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318 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.year (1910) President Lowry writes that as the result ofrevival meetings, in addition to the already large numberof volunteers for the ministry, forty or more of theirbrightest students, who had been tempted by the glittering offer of the Chinese government to send students toAmerica on the returned indemnity fund, had given upthese ambitions, surrendering to the higher call of Godto become ambassadors to their nation, commissioned bythe King of kings and Lord of lords." Withoutburdening the reader of these brief pages with excessive details, the results of the writer s investigation ofthis important theme indicate:1. In all sections of China, from extreme north totropical south, from eastern seaboard to west of theYangtze gorges, during the past three years there havebeen marked manifestations of the power of the HolySpirit, deeply convicting nominal Christians of sin, leading to confession and restitution and every indication ofgenuine repentance/ The standard of Christian moralityhas been raised thereby and deep foundations laid forfuture spiritual and moral victories.2. There has been a quickening of evangelistic zealin various places, which may be taken us a prophecy ofa more general awakening of the Christian community toits obligations and opportunity in this important regard.3. The best trained of the Christian young men ofthe colleges are hearing and heeding the call to theministry in a manner altogether unprecedented. Thefirst rushing torrent of spiritual emotion might be compared with the spring freshet floods in the mountains ;these soon settle into the smaller streams that spreadquietly through the valleys, givinglife to the multitudes ;while the ultimate gathering of the many into one formsa great artery, which bears upon its deep bosom thecommerce of a nation. Let not the mighty tide with itsquiet power despise the irrigation streams from whenceit came and which make possible the great cargoes it

"REVIVALS. 319carries so easily. Still less may these steady life-producing rivulets and canals disregard the noisy torrents fromthe hills, the source of all. It is the divine trinity ofnature in torrent, stream, and river that makes whatotherwise would be desert blossom as the rose and givesa nation s home. So in the kingdom of heaven, whichthe missionary body has been commissioned to set up inChina. The spiritual mountain peaks here and thereprecipitate the torrents that come with what .seem to beneedless noise and rush. The roar subsides, but thewater of life quietly spreads over fields far and widefrom streamlet to canal and back again to stream, evergiving life and food for the multitudes. Finally theygather into the resistless power of the mighty river,where throb the heart centres of the nation in the Christian universities, where the master workmen are inpreparation for future leadership. The revivals of therecent past are but the earnest of the a Spirit," prophecy of what is to come. The accompanying signs willchange from time to time, but it will be "the sameSpirit.""There are diversities of operations, but it isthe same God which worketh allin all."WILLIAM N. BREWSTER.

318 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.year (1910) President Lowry writes that as the result ofrevival meetings, in addition to the already large numberof volunteers for the ministry, forty or more of theirbrightest students, who had been tempted by the glittering offer of the Chinese government to send students toAmerica on the returned indemnity fund, had given upthese ambitions, surrendering to the higher call of Godto become ambassadors to their nation, commissioned bythe King of kings and Lord of lords." Withoutburdening the reader of these brief pages with excessive details, the results of the writer s investigation ofthis important theme indicate:1. In all sections of China, from extreme north totropical south, from eastern seaboard to west of theYangtze gorges, during the past three years there havebeen marked manifestations of the power of the HolySpirit, deeply convicting nominal Christians of sin, leading to confession and restitution and every indication ofgenuine repentance/ The standard of Christian moralityhas been raised thereby and deep foundations laid forfuture spiritual and moral victories.2. There has been a quickening of evangelistic zealin various places, which may be taken us a prophecy ofa more general awakening of the Christian community toits obligations and opportunity in this important regard.3. The best trained of the Christian young men ofthe colleges are hearing and heeding the call to theministry in a manner altogether unprecedented. Thefirst rushing torrent of spiritual emotion might be compared with the spring freshet floods in the mountains ;these soon settle into the smaller streams that spreadquietly through the valleys, givinglife to the multitudes ;while the ultimate gathering of the many into one formsa great artery, which bears upon its deep bosom thecommerce of a nation. Let not the mighty tide with itsquiet power despise the irrigation streams from whenceit came and which make possible the great cargoes it

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