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"REVIVALS. 315Iielcl in a large tent at Nanking. Mr. Goforth led oneseries in 1909, and later the Chinese evangelist, DoctorLee, was greatly used.West China has also enjoyed similar blessing. Remarkable movements among the aboriginesof Kvveichowin recent years have attracted very wide attention.The inquiries sent out covered three heads: (i),Natural Causes ; (2), Striking Features ; (3), Results. Ingeneral the causes were traceable to some human agentor group of agents. Mr. Goforth is the name mentionedmost frequently among foreign agents, though by nomeans the only one ;while the work of Dr. L,ee in CentralChina and of Mr. Ting IJ-mei, of Shantung, in NorthChina, is commended in the highest terms by every onewho mentions them. Yet local agents, both foreign andChinese, seem to have been raised up in nearly all places,who have been essential aids, and in not a fe\v cases theworkers seemed to be entirely of that character."The strikingfeatures" have also shown a markedsimilarity. The most commonly mentioned characteristicis deep conviction for, and confession of,sin." This isseldom omitted by any correspondent who speaks of anyrevival experience at all of recent years. Other featuresmentioned frequently are the spirit of prayer, audibleand universal from the whole congregation, and thereconciliation of enemies in the church or the settling ofold quarrels. "Quietness"has characterized some ofthe most fruitful of the later movements."Results" are naturally of a more varying character.The material is different, and the environment. Aboveall there is wide variety in the manner of conserving theresults of such experiences. In general the repliesindicate a decided quickening in Bible study. The newlife calls for food. Where this is not taken the vitalforces soon exhaust themselves. The writer recentlynoticed on the monthly report of a colporteur that hehad sold three hundred and thirty-two copies of theentire Bible or of the New Testament. These were, in

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