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308 CHINA MISSION YKAR HOOK.34 in all. Of the students now in attendance many areprofessing Christians. At a recent communion service28 of the students were admitted to the church, thelargest number that has ever been received from theseminary at one time.The government has recently opened many schoolsin the city, called Halls of Learning normal schoolsand colleges the attendance in which varies from fiftyto one or two hundred. These have a good number ofstudies in their curriculum, but it is to be feared thatoftentimes the instruction given is very superficial.One of these, which perhaps takes highest rank andis called by the Chinese a college, a few weeks sincegraduated its first class four young women. Theseschools are more or less decidedly anti-Christian. Inthe one just referred to, among the students was oneChristian girl. She stood at the head of a class offorty-five in scholarship and deportment, and yet wasfrequently made to feel that her presence was unwelcome, and as the time for graduation drew nearit became so evident to her that it was not considered desirable to have a Christian in the graduatingclass that she withdrew and entered a medical college.On the other hand another large school has as itssuperintendent and her assistant two young Christianwomen, who received their education in the True LightSeminary.Three other students from the seminary havestudied for a time in the Christian College, and one ofthe number had the honor of receiving the highest gradegiven in the institution one year.Four other young women have studied in thecollege and many others have applied for admittance,but could not be received.Two young students have recently gone to Americato continue their studies there. An institution whichwill furnish to the young women of South China theopportunity, which many of them so much desire, of

WOMAN S WORK EDUCATIONAL. 309obtaining a thorough education is greatly needed, and itishoped will soon be established.Among the educational influences at work forseveral years past has been the Bible Institute or Schoolfor Bible-women, which has been held annually forseveral years. The representatives of all the missionsunite in teaching the Bible-women of the differentmissions, who gather together to attend the meetings,which are continued for ten days. At the institute thisyear more than seventy women were in attendance, andit was inspiring to see such a goodly company of trainedand experienced workers, earnest consecrated Chinesewomen. The evening meetings were addressed byministers, either foreign or native. Each one of theChinese preachers expressed in his own way the pleasurehe felt in meeting with so many Christian sisters helpersin the work for the Master, his regret for the past years,during which the Chinese men have not given to womenthe place to which they are entitled, and joy that thosedays have passed, and the daughters of China are nowentering into the inheritance which Ais justly theirs.few days since, in Canton, a large mixed audience listenedintently to an excellent address given by a Chinesescholar on the duties of Chinese men to their wives anddaughters, and at the close the speaker was heartilyapplauded by the men. More and more in South Chinathe value of the Roman izatiou of the Chinese colloquialis becoming appreciated. In the large mission fieldswhich find their centres in Amoy and Swatow it haslong been considered an invaluable aid, but the colloquialprinted in Chinese character in Canton has- been sosatisfactory that many have considered any other methodunnecessary.It remains an undisputed fact, however, that thegreat majority of the women who are Christians cannever have the time and opportunity to learn to readthe Bible in Chinese character. The necessity of thisfor the development of Christian life and character is

308 CHINA MISSION YKAR HOOK.34 in all. Of the students now in attendance many areprofessing Christians. At a recent communion service28 of the students were admitted to the church, thelargest number that has ever been received from theseminary at one time.The government has recently opened many schoolsin the city, called Halls of Learning normal schoolsand colleges the attendance in which varies from fiftyto one or two hundred. These have a good number ofstudies in their curriculum, but it is to be feared thatoftentimes the instruction given is very superficial.One of these, which perhaps takes highest rank andis called by the Chinese a college, a few weeks sincegraduated its first class four young women. Theseschools are more or less decidedly anti-Christian. Inthe one just referred to, among the students was oneChristian girl. She stood at the head of a class offorty-five in scholarship and deportment, and yet wasfrequently made to feel that her presence was unwelcome, and as the time for graduation drew nearit became so evident to her that it was not considered desirable to have a Christian in the graduatingclass that she withdrew and entered a medical college.On the other hand another large school has as itssuperintendent and her assistant two young Christianwomen, who received their education in the True LightSeminary.Three other students from the seminary havestudied for a time in the Christian College, and one ofthe number had the honor of receiving the highest gradegiven in the institution one year.Four other young women have studied in thecollege and many others have applied for admittance,but could not be received.Two young students have recently gone to Americato continue their studies there. An institution whichwill furnish to the young women of South China theopportunity, which many of them so much desire, of

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