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WOMAN S WORK EDUCATION AI,. 305Southern China.To those who can recall from their own observationthe attitude of China a few decades ago with regard tothe education of her daughters, the unexpected andunprecedented interest and enthusiasm in this linemanifested by the people to-day seems little short ofmiraculous. Perhaps nowhere is the change that hastaken place in public sentiment more marked than inCanton.At one time it seemed that the adverse criticism ofa new viceroy might call a halt, but itproved to be onlya ripple on the surface of a flood tide. The people inthe interior towns and country villages have not keptpace with the progressive spirit of those living in thecity, but will doubtless in time follow in their wake.In the province of Kwangsi much of the educationalwork is in connection with the Christian and Missionary Alliance Mission. Several years since a boardingschoolwas opened for training Bible-women and teachers.The Chinese teacher of this school is one who had hadtraining and experience in Canton, and of her a memberof the mission writes: "We needed a capable teacher,and the Lord sent us one of China s choice women.Under her supervision the school has steadily prosperedand grown from three students seven years ago to46 in the present year."During these seven years50 women have been intraining, 20 of whom are now active workers hereand in Kwangtung province. There have been 86girls, 10 of whom are now employed as teachers.Educational work is also being carried on in Kwangsiby the English Wesleyan and Southern Baptist Missions.There are in Hongkong several boarding-schools whichhave been doing good work for many years among;these the London Mission School for girls with 70students, the Bible School for women, the C. M. S.Schools at Fairlea and St. Stephen s College, and in

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