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304 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.SHENSI.The school at Siaufti, in charge of Miss Beckingsale,of the English Baptist Mission, has been a pioneerin the education of girls in Shensi, and has a course ofstudy covering six years, but owing to new requirementsin the way of self-help, and the withdrawing of thedaughters of Shantung emigrants to form an independentschool, the numbers now are reduced to 30. It is onlyrecently that there has been a demand for educationamong the native Shensi girls. This same missionhas a village boarding-school with 32 pupils the most;promising pupils, after three years here, continue theirstudies in Sian. The Baptist Zenana Mission Schoolin the east suburb of Sian, which opened in 1904 with8 pupils, now has 60. The Scandinavian Alliance Mission has a school with 15 pupils in the west suburb andanother at Hsingpinghsien. No information has beenobtained from the part of the province south of the greatmountain range.KANSU.In Kansu there is a school started by the Scandinavian Alliance Mission in 1904 at Tsinchow with onlyfour girls, and the numbers are still very small. MissWallenburg writes that as there was not one to comefrom a Christian home, and there was great difficultyabout unbinding the feet, it was only the eagerness ofthe girls themselves to study which made itpossible tobegin this work. There is another school at Chenyuan,started about the same time.SUMMARY.In the field covered by this report we see work inits first beginnings in the far interior, as well as that inPeking, started nearly half a century ago; now enteringupon a new phase of evolution. The next half centurywill see an expansion which cannot be paralleled in anyland or age. T y rKr,T<A MINER,

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