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302 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The school at Taianfu, which the Methodist Episcopal Mission started twenty-nine years ago with oneChinese teacher, has been growing rapidly since 1902,being crowded with over 80 pupils. Its new building will accommodate 120. This school is of intermediate and primary grade, and sends its graduatesto the girls high school in Peking. Miss Young isprincipal.At Tsingtao the German Mission takes the lead iuthe education of girls. The English Baptist Missionhave three schools in Chowtsuu and vicinity ;the largestwith 20 pupils, while at Tsingchowfu there is a boarding-school of intermediate grade with 40 or 50 pupils,and the standard of the school is rising as the efficiencyof the village schools increases. The American Baptistshave girls schools at Pingtu, Laichow, and Hwanghsien.In Western Shantung the American Board Mission school at Pangkiachwang, in charge of MissLyons, is the largest and most advanced, with between50 and 60 pupils the ; highest grade being the thirdyear of the high school. The most promising graduatesare sent to finish their course in Bridgman Academyand enter college. This mission has another boardingschoolat Linching. The London Mission has a goodelementary school for girls at Hsiaochang, which ithopes to develop.HONAN.The largest boarding-school for girls in Honanprovince is that recently started by Miss Pyke, of theCanadian Presbyterian Mission in Changtefu. It isof intermediate grade, and has made rapid advance.Mrs. Mitchell, of the same mission, has another boardingschoolat Weihuifu. Mrs. Joyce, of the China InlandMission at Hsiangch eng, has a boarding-school with 20pupils, and Miss Janzon is in charge of the school underthe Swedish Mission in Honanfu.

WOMAN S WORK EDUCATIONAL. 303SHANSI.The first boarding-schools for girls in this interiorprovince were those at the English Baptist Mission inTaiyuanfu and the American Board Mission near Taiku,both taught by graduates of Bridgman Academy.Since the tragedy of 1900 both schools have been reopened, and the American Board has added a school atFenchoufu. One of these schools will be raised to thegrade of a high school the Taiku school sends; manygirls to Bridgman Academy. The English Baptist schoolis much hampered for lack of room, so that its pupilshave been attracted to the free public school, but it isplanned soon to erect new buildings for at least a hundredpupils and develop the educational work in this mostimportant centre. In the southern part of the provinceMiss Forssberg has had a school at Yuucheug, and inother Swedish missions in North Shansi there are thebeginnings of educational work the most;important beingan orphanage for about 200 girls beyond the Great Wallat Salatsi. Several girls from the missions in this northern region have been sent to the American Board schoolsin Peking and Tungchow to be trained as teachers.The China Inland Mission has four girls schools insouthern Shansi ;that at Hwochow, under Miss Cable andMiss French, being the largest in the province and themost fruitful in results. The pupils number 105 ;thegrowth recently has been rapid, and buildings have beenerected to accommodate 150. All of the pupils, excepttwo, are daughters of church-members, and they supplyenough grain and money to feed the teachers and servants as well as themselves. The native church suppliesthe amount necessary for heating and lighting. Anelementary normal department has just been added with14 pupils. A conference held once in two years bringsold pupils together and keeps the missionaries in touchwith them and their work. The other three schoolsare at Chiiwu, Tailing, and Chiaihsin.

302 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.The school at Taianfu, which the Methodist Episcopal Mission started twenty-nine years ago with oneChinese teacher, has been growing rapidly since 1902,being crowded with over 80 pupils. Its new building will accommodate 120. This school is of intermediate and primary grade, and sends its graduatesto the girls high school in Peking. Miss Young isprincipal.At Tsingtao the German Mission takes the lead iuthe education of girls. The English Baptist Missionhave three schools in Chowtsuu and vicinity ;the largestwith 20 pupils, while at Tsingchowfu there is a boarding-school of intermediate grade with 40 or 50 pupils,and the standard of the school is rising as the efficiencyof the village schools increases. The American Baptistshave girls schools at Pingtu, Laichow, and Hwanghsien.In Western Shantung the American Board Mission school at Pangkiachwang, in charge of MissLyons, is the largest and most advanced, with between50 and 60 pupils the ; highest grade being the thirdyear of the high school. The most promising graduatesare sent to finish their course in Bridgman Academyand enter college. This mission has another boardingschoolat Linching. The London Mission has a goodelementary school for girls at Hsiaochang, which ithopes to develop.HONAN.The largest boarding-school for girls in Honanprovince is that recently started by Miss Pyke, of theCanadian Presbyterian Mission in Changtefu. It isof intermediate grade, and has made rapid advance.Mrs. Mitchell, of the same mission, has another boardingschoolat Weihuifu. Mrs. Joyce, of the China InlandMission at Hsiangch eng, has a boarding-school with 20pupils, and Miss Janzon is in charge of the school underthe Swedish Mission in Honanfu.

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