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WOMAN S WORK EDUCATIONAL. 301third year of the academy. There is a six years courseof study in the English language and literature, but allof the other instruction is given in Mandarin. A specialty is made of vocal music. Miss Miner is principal,and in addition there are five American and six Chineseteachers. It is expected that the London and Presbyterian Missions will soon add members to the faculty.Kindergartens. There arfc now two kindergartensat the Presbyterian Mission, Peking, and one at theAmerican Board Mission. There is great demand forkindergarten teachers, and it ishoped that a large classwill soon enter the Kindergarten Training School.SHANTUNG.The earliest and the most extensive educationalwork for girls in Shantung has been done by the American Presbyterian Mission, beginning in Chefoo andTengchowfu. In 1889 graduates from these schoolsbegan to teach in country stations, especially in the Weihsienfield. Miss Snodgrass has charge of the highschool at Tengchowfu, and Mrs. Chalfant of that atWeihsien. This latter school supplies teachers for twelvecountry boarding-schools with 200 pupils, and wasopened in 1895. It has now over 60 pupils, coining notonly from the Weihsien field but from more distantstations. The girls, who have received an elementaryeducation elsewhere, come to this school for a four yearscourse of study, and are under contract to teach at leasttwo years after graduating before marriage. Theyfurnish their ow n r books, bedding, travelling expenses,etc., and pay from seven to eighteen Mexican dollars ayear according to their ability. In the country schoolsthe mission gives seventy-five cents a month per pupilfor food and half of the teacher s salary and travellingmoney, the other expenses being met by the Chinese.This system of country schools is extending as graduatesfrom the high school increase.

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