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WOMAN S WORK EDUCATIONAL. 299to start a boarding-school at Ch angli, thus relievingthe school at Peking of the presence of so many ofelementary grade. The Keen School, opened in Tientsinby Miss Cushman in 1909, has 31 pupils, of whom 12are boarders. This is an Anglo-Chinese school, and theaim is to make itself-supporting. Tuition and boardare $35 for a term of five months, music extra.The Anglican Mission has a boarding-school forgirls in Peking, which ithopes soon to greatly enlarge.The following are the principal schools which prepare pupils to enter Bridgman Academy:The Union Memorial School is located at the American Presbyterian Mission, Paotingfu, with Miss Newton as principal. It averages between fifty and sixtypupils more than half of whom are from the Presbyterian;Mission, about twenty from the American Board Mission.It is the only girls school in this locality doing workabove primary grade, and in the last four years has sentnineteen of its graduates to Bridgman Academy.The London Mission Girls Boarding-school, Peking,established in 1865, has now about 30 pupils, and isunder the care of Miss Livins. It has former pupilsas students both in the Union College and BridgmanAcademy.The American Board has boarding-schools for girlspreparing for Bridgman Academy at Tungchow, withMiss Browne at the head, where there are over fiftypupils of intermediate grade, and at Hsiku, Tientsin,the Stanley Memorial School, under Miss MacGowan.There are boarding-schools of lower grade at Paotingfu,Kalgan, and the North Church, Peking, and day-schoolsin Peking and Tungchow, numbering over 200 pupils.The North China Union Woman s College. Thisinstitution is under the Board of Managers of the NorthChina Educational Union, and in 1909 gave to fourgraduates the first diplomas granted to women in China,completing a full college course. The aim is to makethe instruction as advanced and as thorough as in the

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