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298 CHINA MISSION YKAR BOOK.ladies in movements like the Anti-Cigaretterecently formed in Peking we both get and give help,and break down the barriers between east and west,Confuciauist and Christian.Nowhere has the reCharacter and Religious Life.vival spirit brought forth richer fruit during the last twoyears than in the girls schools. This is especially true ofthe meetings led by Pastor Ting Li-mei in the provincesof Chih li and Shantung. The results may not be soobvious as in the colleges for young men, for there areseminaries for young women to enter, butno theologicalthey stand on a much higher plane than a few yearsago their;burden for their country and for the kingdomof God is much greater and their purposes are moredefinite. The most astonishing development which weshall see in China the next few decades will be in thework of the young women leaving our more advancedschools. They have a patriotism, a religious fervor, asense of a high calling, and withal a poise and dignitywhich will make itto break the trammels of thepossiblepast to an extent which we could not have sanctioned informer years.CHIHU.The most important schools in the metropolitanprovince are directly or indirectly affiliated with theNorth China Union Woman s College, located at theAmerican Board Mission, Peking. Only two schoolsnow fitpupils for this college Bridgman Academy inthe same buildings and under the same principal as thecollege, and the Mary Porter Gamewell Memorial Schoolat the Methodist Episcopal Mission, Peking, under theefficient headship of Mrs. Jewell. This latter school,the largest for girls in the province, enrolled over 260pupils in 1909, of whom 91 were of primary grade, 149intermediate, and 18 high school. This mission has anumber of small day-schools in the province, and is about

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