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WOMAN S WORK EDUCATIONAL. 291Memorial School at Soochow. Doubtless there are others.In several of these the girls are paid for their work, andare thus able to support themselves in the school.School Organizations. Reference has already beenmade to the religious organizations. A number ofschools also report good literary societies.Advanced Work. There is a normal school in theMethodist Mission at Nanking, which graduated its firstclass of six girls this year. Their course of studyincludes Chinese classics, higher mathematic, physics,chemistry, biology, geology, history, psychology, pedagogy, harmony of music, and practical school methods.A complete college course is also offered in this boardingschool,looking to the degree of Bachelor of Arts; thefirst class is to be graduated two years hence. TheLaura Hay good Memorial School, Soochow, also doescollege work.Some normal training is done in the PresbyterianGirls School, Shanghai Southern Presbyterian Girls;School, Hangchow; Christian Girls School, Nanking ;Baptist Girls School, Hangchow, and in the Baptistschool at Ningpo. Kindergarten training is given in theWest Soochow Kindergarten (M. E. S.), Soochow, andin the Presbyterian Girls School, Nanking.Some half a dozen schools have graduates doingcollege work in Japan and America.Teaching Staff. Schools old enough to have graduated classes have some of these graduates now on theirstaff, and the number varies from three to nine in oneschool. Bearing in mind that their pedagogical traininghas been chiefly along Western lines, so large a numberof graduate teachers in a school insures good work andis full of promise for the future. In several schoolsthese young women, in spite of their youth, are entrustedwith responsibilities formerly devolving upon the headof the school, such as the purchasing of table supplies,

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