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WOMAN S WORK IN GENERAL. 287under the International Society. As one sees what hasbeen accomplished among the young men, and how widerand wider doors open before tbem, it is plain that amongthe young women also there is room for all the formsof work which that organization conducts so happily inWestern cities. These forms of service are already inthe hearts and plans of the ladies connected with thevarious missions, and the addition of laborers will stimulate them also to attempt large things, since they maylook for the upholding and cooperation of this interdenominational organization. All these things point to aday near at hand of large expansion in woman s work,but it should never be forgotten that the country, as awhole, is as yet scarcely touched by the enlarging life, andthat there lies before us in the future what has engrossedus in the past the problem of how to reach, not thecentres alone, but the countless multitudes in villagesand small cities, which form the bulk of the people.MARY H. PORTER.

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