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284 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.the first time we are where we may hope that women ofeducation will be prepared to take such places. Alreadythe school girls of twenty years ago are middle-agedwomen They have known the Gospel from their youthand been trained in -the church in the habits of thoughtand action of its membership. This marks great advance in the possibilities of their instruction of others.In a few instances God has already given, by His Spirit,a special call to one or another to this service. In nota few of the stations are widows, some of them young,who have dedicated their lives to God for the preachingof the Word, and here and there an unmarried woman,whose serious purposeis to consecrate that which shehas received, not to the beautiful ministries of the home,but to the wider needs of the church.The great immediate evangelistic work is still, asalways and everywhere, to be done, however, in theChristian home. Here we see the best and most promising of all the fruit grown from the long years ofseed sowing. A generation of children are growing upwho study comparative religions in college and mustlearn from text-books or from their teachers the tenetsof the great faiths of their ancestors. They knowneither the theory nor practice of Buddhism and Taoism.They have been trained from their youth in the Scriptures and are getting now in our mission schools a careful knowledge of these not surpassed and rarely equalledin the home lands in the courses of study of the young.What may we not hope for as these become the womenof the church ? The contrast between the home life ofthose who love and honor God and those who have noother than the standards of Confucian ethical teachingsis already attracting the attention of some thoughtfulminds, and one hears not infrequently tribute paid tothe personal character of women neither wise nor learned,but who having sat at the feet of Jesus have a gentleness,forbearance, and devotion which are witness to his grace.As such as these are brought more and more in contact

WOMAN S WORK IN GKNKRAI,. 285with the sad of heart and oppressed, their witness willlead others to seek Him, and that "kingdom whichcometh not with observation" will be established inreceptive hearts. It surely is so already in not a few whomake no public profession of discipleship. Many havelearned to carry their sorrows to the Friend who knowsthat which can be told to no human ear, and the love andsympathy which has attracted them to the followers ofthe Saviour has led them to believe in His willingness andpower to aid. One poor old lady said to a Bible-woman,who had just read and explained the story of the suffererwho touched the garment of :Jesus"I want to touchyou, for you are so kind and patient with us poor oldwomen that I think you must be like Jesus, and myaching head might be healed." Her head may havecontinued to ache, but her heart had been comforted,perhaps healed.SOCIAL.As has been said each department is linked withevery other, and often it is difficult to say how far anyparticular effort belongs to one or the other. But therehave been so many quite new openings for social intercourse in recent years that they may well be counted asone of the striking features of the new time. As inTsinanfu, so in many of the large cities interchange ofsocial courtesies isbecoming common among the ladiesof the upper classes and the missionaries. Some womenof more daring or greater curiosity than others firstaccept invitations to a lecture or concert, then call toacknowledge the pleasure received and invite a returnvisit. Thus pleasant relations are established whichlead naturally to further intercourse and not infrequentlyto real friendliness. This perhaps is particularly truein Peking, where the Legation ladies, who wish tocultivate the acquaintance of the Chinese, seek theirinterpreters among their missionary friends and thusintroduce them in a natural way to that circle. The

284 CHINA MISSION YEAR BOOK.the first time we are where we may hope that women ofeducation will be prepared to take such places. Alreadythe school girls of twenty years ago are middle-agedwomen They have known the Gospel from their youthand been trained in -the church in the habits of thoughtand action of its membership. This marks great advance in the possibilities of their instruction of others.In a few instances God has already given, by His Spirit,a special call to one or another to this service. In nota few of the stations are widows, some of them young,who have dedicated their lives to God for the preachingof the Word, and here and there an unmarried woman,whose serious purposeis to consecrate that which shehas received, not to the beautiful ministries of the home,but to the wider needs of the church.The great immediate evangelistic work is still, asalways and everywhere, to be done, however, in theChristian home. Here we see the best and most promising of all the fruit grown from the long years ofseed sowing. A generation of children are growing upwho study comparative religions in college and mustlearn from text-books or from their teachers the tenetsof the great faiths of their ancestors. They knowneither the theory nor practice of Buddhism and Taoism.They have been trained from their youth in the Scriptures and are getting now in our mission schools a careful knowledge of these not surpassed and rarely equalledin the home lands in the courses of study of the young.What may we not hope for as these become the womenof the church ? The contrast between the home life ofthose who love and honor God and those who have noother than the standards of Confucian ethical teachingsis already attracting the attention of some thoughtfulminds, and one hears not infrequently tribute paid tothe personal character of women neither wise nor learned,but who having sat at the feet of Jesus have a gentleness,forbearance, and devotion which are witness to his grace.As such as these are brought more and more in contact

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